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Mark Reporting Setup

To correctly report courses in the Staff Assignment collection, you must complete some setup for State Courses to work properly. For the Oregon transcript to be correct, you must set up your Transcript View Setup and your GPA Setup properly.

Course Equivalency Setup

Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Equivalency Setup

For each building that offers courses that are reported in the Staff Assignment collection, you must create a Course Equivalency Setup record. You should have the following values in these fields. All other fields should be blank. 




When you go to the Course Equivalency Search page, click on the appropriate building to create or edit the record.

Local Course Combinations

Select One Part.

Course Retake Rule

Select R – Use Most Recent Mark in State Course.  This field will not be used in Oregon, but must have a value.

Report Cards Data Warehouse Information

Select R – Use Regular Courses Only.

Transcript Data Warehouse Information

Select R – Use Regular Courses Only.

Assign Course Credit Calculation

Select R – Use Regular Courses Only.

Course Equivalency Definitions Page 

Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Equivalency Definitions

Use this page to associate one State Course Code with several courses in a building. Optionally, you may update the State Course for courses individually on the Course Catalog page. Select the Building, select the State Code and then in the 1-Part Courses section of the page, select/enter the courses that should be associated with this particular State Code.

Transcript View Setup Page 

Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Transcript View Setup

GPA Information 

To define the GPA appropriate to print on the bottom of each term block on the transcript, on the Transcript View Setup page, enter the GPA type in the General panel's Course Area GPA Type field. 

To define the GPA(s) available to be printed at the top of each transcript, enter the GPA type(s) on Transcript View Setup page's GPA/Rank panel. 

This controls which GPAs are pulled into the data warehouse. If you use the base eSchoolPlus Print Transcripts option, you also use this setup to control the GPAs and labels that print in the transcript's Yearly Attendance and Cumulative GPA section. 

For districts using the Print Custom Transcripts option, your GPAs print in the Yearly Attendance and Cumulative GPA section based on GPA Types hard coded in the template to each district's current requirements. In this case, adding GPA types here will not cause them to be printed on the transcript, however, removing them from here will remove them from the data warehouse and they will, therefore, not print on the transcript.

Attendance Setup Panel
This setup only applies if you use the baseline eSchoolPlus Print Transcripts option. On the Attendance panel, make sure you choose how the transcript decides which Student Day Totals records count in the Yearly Attendance and Cumulative GPA section. Choose the following:

  • Attendance View you use for calculating transcript attendance Student Day Totals records.
  • Current Interval you use for summing year-to-date Student Day Totals records through the Interval Calculation.
  • Sum By selection indicating whether attendance should sum based on a specific Attendance Code or by one of the following groupings defined in Attendance Codes Setup: District Group or State Group.
  • Code/Group indicating the Attendance Code or District/State Group to count toward transcript attendance totals.
  • Print Title is a required field but does not impact how the transcript prints.

The following example sums Student Day Totals records on an Attendance Code over a Year-to-Date interval:
Attendance View – TRN - Transcript View
Current Interval – YTD - YTDCalculation.
Sum By – C - Code
Code/Group – EAB – Excused Absence

GPA Setup Page 

Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > GPA Setup 

These definitions may vary by district, but important items to note are:

  1. Issue This GPA field should be set to T – By Term
  2. On the Rank Calculation panel, you can decide whether inactive Students should be included when calculating a rank (Rank Inactive Students field). If S- Only Include Inactive Students with Withdrawal Codes Listed is selected, a student will only be included in rank if they have a GPA record for that term, but if they withdrew after that term, this will control whether they are then included in the rank for that term.
  3. You should be consistent in your GPA Setups when it comes to things like Use Partial Credit or Rank Inactive Students.
  4. If you use the baseline eSchoolPlus Print Transcripts option, make sure your GPA Setups have the appropriate grade levels listed in the GPA Calculation panel's Grades field. The transcript only provides the student's Yearly Attendance and Cumulative GPA information if the student is in one of the listed grade levels.

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