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District-Defined Setup for Oregon State Reporting

OR Configuration Page

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > OR Configuration



OPTE Out of State Building #


OPTE Mark Type

Enter the Mark Type that the system should use to get information for the OPTE submission.



OPTE Level Table Number

Enter the Level Table that should be used in the OPTE submission.

High School Completer Codes

Enter the Withdrawal Codes that indicate that a student has completed high school.

Early Leaver Withdrawal Codes

Enter the Withdrawal Codes that indicate that a student has dropped out and not completed high school.

PE Course List


Discipline Arrest Code

Select the Police Action Code to determine whether to set the Violent Criminal Offense Arrest Flag to Y for a reported discipline action. Police Action Code is tracked on the Offender Detail page for a discipline incident, General panel.

Default McKinney-Vento

Checked if your district wants the NCLB Title X: Homeless collection to include all students with a reportable Homeless Status for the ORHLS – OR Homeless program tracked either through Student Center > Demographic > Programs or Student Center > Demographic > OR Homeless.

If this box is unchecked, you must use the ORHLS – OR Homeless program's McKinney-Vento Subgrant box at the student level to mark individual students for inclusion in the Homeless collection.

Freshman Minimum Credit

This field applies to the OR Freshman On-Track collection. Only use this setting if you want the OR Student Download to use a value other than six (6) as the minimum credit basis when determining whether to include a student in the collection. For example, if your standard credit requirement for graduation is 26, you would enter ¼ of this total in the Freshman Minimum Credit field: 6.5

Make sure your entry is greater than six (6). Remember the value is supposed to be ¼ of the total credits a student requires for high school graduation.

Important: If you enter a value here, you are telling the OR Student Download to ignore the credit requirement defined in each student's Graduation Requirement Group, and you are then saying that the credit value entered in Freshman Minimum Credit acts as the determining factor when deciding if the student's Earned Credit is on-track and valid for the collection.

Only use this field if you want to override the standard calculation which says the student needs at least six (6) credits, and the Earned Credit needs to be at least ¼ of total credit defined in the student's Graduation Requirement Group.

The download logic is described in detail in the Freshman On-Track System Processing section.

Prior Year Summer Schl Courses

Checked if you want prior year summer school courses included when you run the download and extract for the following ODE files:

  • IUID
  • Staff Assignment
  • Class Roster

This means if you run the OR Staff Download for 2016, you would also get records for courses in your 2015 summer school session. Make sure the courses are in your current year Building Course Catalogs defined with current-year State IDs. For a procedure, refer to Creating Staff Files for Prior Year Summer School.

OR Transcript Graduation Codes Page

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > OR Transcript Graduation Codes

Use this page to indicate to the system what Withdrawal Codes should print a Graduation Status Code and a date in the Graduated field on the Oregon Transcript. You may indicate what value you want to print to indicate Graduated in the Graduation Status field and whether you want to print the Graduation Date.

OR Transcript Essential Skills Page

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > OR Transcript Essential Skills

Use this page to include essential skill information on the transcript. The essential skill information is required when a student is in grade 9, which is referred to as Cohort Year. For an individual student, the following criteria determine whether the Essential Skills section prints on the transcript:

  • District needs Print Essential Skills checked on district-level OR Transcript Essential Skills page.
  • Student's Federal Graduation Rate Year (from Academic page) must be greater than or equal to the OR Transcript Essential Skills page's Cohort Year.
  • Student needs data saved on the student-level OR Essential Skills district-defined page.



Print Essential Skills

Checked if you want to print essential skills information on the transcript.

Cohort Year

Specify the Cohort Year. Cohort Year is the year the student enters the ninth grade for which the essential skill information is required. The Federal Graduation Rate Year on the Academic page for the student should be greater than or equal to the Cohort Year for essential skills information to print.

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