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OR Homeless Page

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > OR Homeless

Use this page to update a student's homeless status information for tracking in the NCLB Title X: Homeless collection. The fields show whether the student is considered homeless, where the student takes primary nighttime residence, whether the student is considered an unaccompanied youth, and whether the student should be reported in the Homeless collection.

The student's reporting status can be driven a couple of ways based on setup of the OR District Configuration district-defined page's Default McKinney-Vento setting:

  • If you want to include in the Homeless collection all students with a state-reportable Homeless Status from the OR Homeless page, you can check the Default McKinney-Vento box on the OR District Configuration page. In this case, you would not maintain the McKinney-Vento Subgrant box on the student's OR Homeless page.
  • If you want to maintain Homeless collection reporting status at the student level, leave the Default McKinney-Vento box unchecked on the OR District Configuration. In this case, you will need to open a McKinney-Vento Subgrant program record for each reportable student and check the associated Value box. You can do this either through the OR Homeless page or by accessing Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > ORHLS – OR Homeless.

Click the Homeless Status link to view and update the OR Homeless program information:



Homeless Status

Select a code indicating the student's primary nighttime residence at the time they are identified as homeless. The student will only be reported in the NCLB Title X: Homeless collection if he/she has a reportable code in this field during the reporting period date range and one of the following is true:

  • The OR District Configuration's Default McKinney-Vento box is checked.
  • The OR District Configuration's Default McKinney-Vento box is not checked, but the student's McKinney-Vento Subgrant program's Value box is checked within the reporting period's date range.

Unaccompanied Youth

Indicates a student who is 21 years of age, or younger, and is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.

McKinney-Vento Subgrant

Indicates student participation in a program funded by the McKinney-Vento Sub grant. Your use of this program-tracked field at the student-level is determined by whether the Default McKinney-Vento box is checked on the OR District Configuration district-defined page:

  • If your district tracks McKinney-Vento participation at the student level, then the OR District Configuration's Default McKinney-Vento box will be unchecked. For a student to be included in the Homeless collection, he/she needs a reportable Homeless Status and a checked program Value box for McKinney-Vento Subgrant.
  • If your district wants to include in the Homeless collection all students with a reportable Homeless Status, the OR District Configuration's Default McKinney-Vento box will be checked. You do not need to maintain the McKinney-Vento Subgrant at the student level in this case.
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