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Reporting Disadvantagement for Student Attributes - Effective Date (FD) Record

The Disadvantagement element (FD110) reports whether and how a student meets the definition for academic and/or economic disadvantagement. Several setup decisions affect the Student/Course Downloads option when it assigns each student's value within the element's code set of valid EMIS values. Following is a summary of the setup decisions involved followed by the download's processing for Disadvantagement.

Setting Up for Disadvantagement Reporting

Verify you made the following decisions:

  1. For EMIS reporting, which student fields do you use to identify a student's Disadvantagement status? Do you make the distinction based on Meal Status, Academically Disadvantaged (for CTE students), or both fields? Use the EMIS Configuration Disadvantagement Build Method to make this choice.
  2. Do you want to apply CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) processing for students at the district level? To do so, make sure the appropriate districts have the EMIS District CEP District box checked. For students reported in a CEP district, the download converts the Disadvantagement field as described in the section Processing Disadvantagement.
  3. Do you want to apply CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) processing for students at the level of enrollment building? To do so, make sure the appropriate buildings have the EMIS Building CEP Building box checked. For students enrolled in a CEP building, the download converts the Disadvantagement field as described in the section Processing Disadvantagement.

Processing Disadvantagement

The EMIS Student/Course Downloads option uses the following steps to determine a student's Disadvantagement (FD110) value for the Student Attributes - Effective Date file:

  1. In the EMIS Configuration, the download checks the Disadvantagement Build Method to see which student fields you use to determine Disadvantagement: Meal Status, the Academically Disadvantaged setting, or both of these fields from the Personal page.
  2. The download sees if the student's enrollment building has CEP Building selected (EMIS Building) or the reporting district has CEP District selected (EMIS District). If either box is checked, the download applies CEP logic when assigning the Disadvantagement value.
  3. If the download is not applying the CEP processing, it sets the Disadvantagement element based on the student Personal page fields identified in the EMIS Configuration:
    • Use 1 - Economic Disadvantagement if the build method references a student Personal field mapping to a State Code Equiv of 1.
    • Use 2 - Academic Disadvantagement if the build method references a student Personal field mapping to a State Code Equiv of 2.
    • Use 3 - Both Economic and Academic Disadvantagement if the build method references student Personal fields mapping to both State Code Equivs of 1 and 2.
    • Use * - Not Applicable if the student does not have any field value referenced by the build method.
  4. If the student's enrollment building or reporting district uses CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) processing, the download converts the Disadvantagement setting as follows:
    • Report 4 if the student would have had * - Not Applicable.
    • Report 5 if the student would have had 2 - Academic Disadvantagement.
    • Report 6 if the student would have had 1 - Economic Disadvantagement.
    • Report 7 if the student would have had 3 - Both Economic and Academic Disadvantagement.
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