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EMIS Configuration

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Setup submenu, select EMIS Setup, and then select EMIS Configuration.

Fiscal Year Enter the start date and end dates of the current fiscal year. This information is used when reporting the Student Program Record (GQ). This is a required field.
Graduation Period Enter the start date and end dates for the graduate reporting period. This is a required field.
Special Education Enter the start and end dates for the special education submission file (GE).
Traditional or Community School DistrictSelect Traditional or Community as the designation for the school district for S period reporting.
Kindergarten Entrance Birth DateSelect the appropriate code to designate the birthdate required for kindergarten students for the district. This is a required field.
Information Tech Center IRNThe state assigned six-digit information retrieval number (IRN) of the ITC that submits EMIS data to ODE on behalf of this EMIS reporting entity.
Include Non-Core Courses (HQT)Checked if you wish to include HQT courses.
High School Building Type(s) Select the Building Types that you assigned to courses for which you want to report credit for the High School Credit element.
50% of Time Grade Levels Enter the list of grades in which students should have a 50% for percent of time. When you add a new student and enroll the student in one of these grades, the student's percent of time will be set to 50.
Pre-School Grade Levels Enter a comma-delimited list of the grades that are preschool.
Pre-School Poverty Level

Select the poverty level to report for a student in a preschool grade if the student does not have a value defined in the EMIS Student Attribute – Date program.

When you add a new student in a grade listed in the Preschool Grade Levels field, this value will be added for the student.

Disadvantagement Build Method

Select the method your district uses to report the Disadvantagement element.

  • A – Always use Academically Disadvantaged converted value
  • B – Always use both Meal Status and Academically Disadvantaged and calculate
    • If the student has a Meal Status that converts a state code equivalent of 1, then report as 1 (Economic Disadvantagement).
    • If the student has an Academic Disadvantagement that converts to a state code equivalent of 2, then report as 2 (Academic Disadvantagement).
    • If the student meets BOTH conditions above, then report as 3 (Economic and Academic Disadvantagement).
  • M – Always use Meal Status converted value

Make sure that you have defined the State Code Equiv values for the appropriate validation table.

For explanation of how the Student/Course Downloads option reports Disadvantagement, refer to Reporting Disadvantagement for Student Attributes - Effective Date (FD) Record.

Highly Qualified TeacherSelect the Highly Qualified Teacher value to report in the Course Master if no value has been selected in the Highly Qualified field on the EMIS Course page.
Teacher ID Build Method

Select the method your district uses to report the Employee ID for staff members.

  • 1 – Use SSN
  • 2 – Use Staff State ID
EMIS ID Build Method

Select the method your district uses to calculate the 9-character EMIS ID.

  • L – Always use local Studentid
  • P – Always use Prefix + Studentid
  • S – Use SSN (if no SSN, use Prefix + Studentid)

Note: The EMIS ID Build Method field on the EMIS Configuration page is used to give EMIS IDs to students but not when they are enrolled. This setting affects how EMIS IDs are created for students who do not have an EMIS ID when running downloads. This is done in the Student Demographic download, which is run automatically for a number of other downloads and can be run on its own. You must run the download and the EMIS IDs will populate based on the EMIS Configuration. This method does not affect existing EMIS IDs.

EMIS ID PrefixEnter the prefix to use to create the EMIS ID for students who do not have a Social Security Number. The EMIS ID may optionally be created by adding the prefix to the student's local student ID, or you may use the local student ID alone if it meets the EMIS length requirement of 9 characters.
Admission Date Method

Select how the EMIS Student Download determines a student's district Admission Date (EMIS field FS070) in the Student Standing record (FS):

  • E - Use the earliest Entry Date from the student's Entry/Withdrawal records.
  • R - Use the Registration page's District Enrollment Date.
District Re-Entry CodesSelect the entry codes which indicate that students left and returned to the district.
Attendance View TypeSelect the view type that you set up for Excused / Unexcused absences.
Excused Absence CodesSelect the absence codes that you set up in your view to convert your Excused Absence Codes to (EXC).
Unexcused Absence CodesSelect the absence codes that you set up in your view to convert your Unexcused Absence Codes to (UNX).
Calendar Type (not required or mandatory)Select whether your district reports calendar information based on days or hours. This is reported in the C_CLDRTYPE attribute for the Organization General Information (DN) record in the Calendar submission. ODE is not collecting the calendar type attribute (C_CLDRTYPE) as per the latest requirement.

Traditional Schools Period S End Dates Panel

Fields are currently unused and will be updated in a future revision.



Student Cross Reference

Initial Student

Middle Student

End of Year Student

SOES/Community/Charter Schools Period S End Dates Panel

Fields are currently unused and will be updated in a future revision.



Student Cross Reference

Initial Student

End of Year Student

MOA Dates Panel

All dates entered for Spring Assessments are stored by school year.


Spring Test Dates

Untested, Alt ELA, Alt Math (Any Grade)

March 19

OGT not taking Am History or Am Govt (9-12)

March 19

Next Gen Fall Block taking ELA or Math, not taking Spring Assessments (9-12)

April 13

Next Gen Spring All Subjects (Grades 9 thru 12)

April 13

OGT taking Am History or Am Govt (9-12)

April 13

Next Gen Spring All Subjects (Grades 3 thru 8)

April 13

Assessment Group Dates

Enter your LEA's testing window start date for each of the listed assessments. These dates are used for Organization General (DN) Assessment group attributes.


Spring Test Dates

Fall 3rd Grade ELA Assessment

Assessment window start date reported as Organization General (DN) record attribute ASMTFG3ELA.

Spring English Language Arts (all grades, including EOC)

Assessment window start date reported as Organization General (DN) record attribute ASMTSPRELA.

Spring Math, Science, Social Studies (all grades, including EOC)

Assessment window start date reported as Organization General (DN) record attribute ASMTSPRMSS.

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