Personal Page
Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal
There are several fields on the Personal page which are reported for EMIS. Student race information and the student's state ID are entered on this page. Additionally, other fields on this page are program tracked so you can enter date ranges for the fields.
The Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity and Federal Code fields are used to report student race demographic information. In some situations, the Race field will also be used to report the Student Demographic – Race Detail records for a student.
Fields | Description |
Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity (GI580) | Indicates whether the student's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino. If Yes is selected, 1 (one) displays in the Federal code field. Select:
The Not Recollected option indicates that the student's race was collected prior to July 1, 2010 and has not been re-collected because the student has been continuously enrolled in the district since then. To meet the new USDOE reporting requirements, districts must collect additional information for all students that enroll in the district on or after July 1, 2010. Additionally, students that were previously reported by a district but have a change in their district of residence after July 1, 2010 must also have the additional information reported for them. Districts can choose to re-collect the race/ethnicity information from all students and report the results in EMIS; however, this is not mandated by ODE. Note: The Not Collected option is only available for Ohio districts. |
Race (GJ060) | A Student Demographic – Race Detail record will be reported for each of the student's selected races in the following situations:
Note: If Not Collected option is selected for the student, then no Student Demographic - Race Detail records will be reported. |
Federal Code (GI090) | The federal code is converted to the state code equivalent. |
Meal Status (FD110) | Program Tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Attribute – Date Page and EMIS Student Attribute – Date Program for information about this field. Your district can select whether disadvantagement is calculated based on Meal Status, Academically Disadvantaged, or both Meal Status and Academically Disadvantaged. For information on how the EMIS Student/Course Downloads option determines Disadvantagement, refer to Reporting Disadvantagement for Student Attributes - Effective Date (FD) Record. |
Academically Disadvantaged (FD110) | Program Tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Attribute – Date Page and EMIS Student Attribute – Date Program for information about this field. Your district can select whether disadvantagement is calculated based on Meal Status, Academically Disadvantaged, or both Meal Status and Academically Disadvantaged. For information on how the EMIS Student/Course Downloads option determines Disadvantagement, refer to Reporting Disadvantagement for Student Attributes - Effective Date (FD) Record. |
Homeless (FD150) | Program Tracked. Select that status which indicates the student's homeless status. The EMIS Manual defines homeless students as students who lack a fixed regular and adequate night-time residence and have a primary night-time residence indicated in the valid options for this field. |
504 Plan (FD140) | Program Tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Attribute – Date Page and EMIS Student Attribute – Date Program for information about this field. |
Migrant (FD180) | Program Tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Attribute – Date Page and EMIS Student Attribute – Date Program for information about this field. |
City of Birth | This is no longer reported to EMIS. It is included in the data for SSID. |
Social Security Number | Your district can select to use the Social Security Number to build the EMIS ID, which is the unique identifier for the student at the ITC level. |
State Reporting ID (FS110 and FN230) | SSID (State Student Id number). Program Tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Standing Page and EMIS Student Standing Program for information about this field. |