EMIS Student Attribute – Date Page and EMIS Student Attribute – Date Program
All of the fields on the EMIS Student Attribute – Date page are reported as part of the Student Attributes - Effective Date record and all of the fields on this page are program tracked as part of the EMIS STUDENT ATTRIBUTE PROGRAM. This program also includes fields from the Personal and Registration pages. This section includes information about the fields that are program tracked as part of the EMIS Student Attribute – Date Program.
Note: The Accountability IRN which is reported in the Student Attributes – No Date record is also program tracked in this program.
You will need to close and open program records in order to change the value for a student. When you open or close a program record and save changes, the student's data on the corresponding page will be immediately updated, regardless of the dates entered.
- To display the District-Defined EMIS Demographic page, select:
Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select EMIS Student Attribute – Date.
- To change the value for a field that is program tracked, use the Programs option so you can see any related fields that you may also need to update.
- To display the program information, select:
Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Programs. Click the OH617 – EMIS STUDENT ATTRIBUTE PROGRAM link.
Fields | Description |
Foreign Exchange Grad Plan (FD190) | Select the foreign exchange status of a student as it relates to the student's graduation plans. |
Immigrant Status (FD200) | Checked if the student meets the requirement to be reported as an immigrant. Per Section 3301 (6) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, an immigrant student is a student who
Attendance Pattern Override (FD100) | If blank, the Student/Course Downloads option uses the attendance pattern from the student's calendar (reg_calendar.state_code_equiv). If the Calendar does not have an Attendance Pattern (State Code Equivalent) value, then a default of '**' will be used. |
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth (FD160) | Checked if homeless student is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. |
LEP Status (FD170) | Select the Limited English Proficiency status of the student. |
Preschool Poverty Level (FD120) | Select poverty level of the preschool student's family, as determined by Federal Poverty Guidelines. When you add a student in a preschool grade, the value from the Pre-School Poverty Level field in the EMIS Configuration defaults for this field. |
Homeless Status (FD150) | Select the homeless status of the student. This program updates the Meal Status field on the Personal page. |
Meal Status – Disadvantagement (FD110) | Select the student's meal status. This program updates the Meal Status field on the Personal page. Your district selected whether the Disadvantagement Status is reported based on the program for Meal Status, the program for Academic Disadvantaged, or both programs. For information on how the EMIS Student/Course Downloads option determines Disadvantagement, refer to Reporting Disadvantagement for Student Attributes - Effective Date (FD) Record. |
Academic Disadvantagement (FD110) | Select the student's status for academic disadvantaged. This program updates the Academic Disadvantaged field on the Personal page. Your district selected whether the Disadvantagement Status is reported based on the program for Meal Status, the program for Academic Disadvantaged, or both programs. For information on how the EMIS Student/Course Downloads option determines Disadvantagement, refer to Reporting Disadvantagement for Student Attributes - Effective Date (FD) Record. |
Migrant (FD180) | Checked if the student meets the definition of a migrant as defined in the EMIS Manual. This program updates the Migrant field on the Personal page. |
Section 504 Plan (FD140) | Checked if student is identified with a disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and is being served by a 504 plan that has been developed to meet the specific needs of the student. This program updates the 504 Plan field on the Personal Information page. |
Retained Status (FN070) | Select the applicable Retained Status code for the student. This program updates the Retained Status field on the EMIS Student Attribute - No Date page. |
Math Diagnostic Result (FN360) | Select the applicable Math Diagnostic Result code for the student. This program updates the Retained Status field on the EMIS Student Attribute - No Date page. |
Reading Diagnostic Result (FN370) | Select the applicable Reading Diagnostic Result code for the student. This program updates the Retained Status field on the EMIS Student Attribute - No Date page. |
Writing Diagnostic Result (FN380) | Select the applicable Writing Diagnostic Result code for the student. This program updates the Retained Status field on the EMIS Student Attribute - No Date page. |
Accountability IRN (FN140) | Building IRN within the district that is responsible for the student's performance measures. This program updates the Alternate Accountability Building field on the Registration page. This field is reported as part of the Student Attributes – No Date record. |
Attendance Pattern Calculation
If the student is in a grade that is reported to EMIS as KG or PS, the attendance pattern is calculated as follows:
- Check the number of days checked for Days Calendar Meets fields in the calendar assigned to the student. If calendar meets for:
- At least 5 days, the student attends every day.
- 2 -3 days, the student attends every other day.
- 1 day or no days, a message will appear in the log file that the student is not being included. (If the student has a special attendance pattern, enter an Attendance Pattern Override record.)
- Check the calendar days for the student. If the Membership Value is set to:
- 0.5, the student attends Half Days
- 1.0, the student attends Full Days
- Using the calendar information, return the pattern as follows:
- Every Day and Full Day (FE)
- Every Other Day and Full Day (FO)
- Every Day and Half Day (HE)
- Any calendar other than FE, FO, or HE will use the default Alternative Schedule (AS)
If the student is not in a grade that is reported to EMIS as KG or PS, the attendance pattern is set to NA.