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MD Discipline Report

State Center > Maryland > Reports > MD Suspension Report

This option will allow you to produce both the Maryland Discipline and Health Related Exclusion report that you must submit to the State.

MD Discipline Report Prerequisites

  1. Ensure that students who have been suspended have had their Discipline Incidents entered properly.  See the Entering Discipline Incidents for Maryland State Reporting section of this documentation for more information.
  2. Verify that students who have been suspended have a state reporting id on their Personal page.
  3. Verify that users who will run the MD Suspension report have the MD/REPORTS/RUN security resource.
  4. Verify that your District's Incident Codes and Disposition Codes have the correct State Code Equivs.  See the Discipline Validation Tables section of this documentation for more information.

MD Discipline Report Prompts



Building List

This prompt identifies which building(s) to be included in the data extract.  If you click Selected, you may enter or select more than one building. If you want to run the report for all buildings, click All.

Suspension Codes

Select which suspension codes are to be included in the data extract.  The suspension codes are the Action Codes on the Action tab of an incident for the offender. You should only enter codes used for in-school or out of school suspensions.  Note that actions for an incident must have a disposition code with a valid state code equiv (see Disposition Codes section for more specific codes).

Date Range

Enter the start and end date for the selection of entry/withdrawal dates for the student and the dates of the offense to be included in the report.

Run Type

Select the type of run to create. The default selection is to create the download and submission (extract) files. You may also produce only the download file or the submission file.

Clear Overridden Records

Checked if you wish to delete any records that were manually overridden.

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