Interventions Setup
On this page:
Discipline Validation Tables
The following tables are used to report discipline data for Maryland state reporting.
Incident Codes
State Code Equiv | Description |
001 | Immunizations |
002 | Personal Health |
101 | Class Cutting |
102 | Tardiness |
103 | Truancy |
201 | Alcohol |
202 | Inhalants |
203 | Drugs |
204 | Tobacco |
301 | Firearms |
302 | Other Guns |
303 | Other Weapons |
401 | Physical Attack-Teacher/Staff |
402 | Physical Attack-Student |
403 | Verbal or Physical Threat-Teacher/Staff |
404 | Verbal or Physical Threat-Student |
405 | Fighting |
406 | Extortion |
407 | Bullying |
408 | Serious Bodily Injury |
501 | Arson/Fire |
502 | False alarm/Bomb Threat |
503 | Explosives |
601 | Sexual Assault |
602 | Sexual Harassment |
603 | Sexual Activity |
701 | Disrespect |
702 | Insubordination |
703 | Harassment |
704 | Classroom Disruption |
705 | Inciting/Participating in Disturbance |
801 | Academic Dishonesty/Cheating |
802 | Portable Communication Devices |
803 | Theft |
804 | Trespassing |
805 | Unauthorized Sale or Distribution |
806 | Vandalism/Destruction of Property |
807 | Refusal to Obey School Policies |
891* | Sells or Solicits Controlled Substance |
892* | Possesses or Uses Illegal Drugs |
893* | Carries a Weapon |
IDEA defines weapon and drug disciplinary offenses differently from the MSDE definition. These codes can only be reported for students with disabilities when weapons or drugs are involved.
Disposition Codes
State Code Equiv | Description |
910 | Out-of-School Suspension |
911 | Out-of-School Suspension–educational services provided |
912* | Out-of-School Suspension–misconduct determined to be manifestation of disability |
913 | Out-of-School Suspension-educational services offered and rejected by student |
920* | 45 Day Unilateral Removal |
930* | Hearing Officer Removal |
940 | Expulsion–educational services provided |
941 | Expulsion–educational services rejected (withdrawn) |
942 | Expulsion–no educational services provided (withdrawn) |
950 | Health Related Exclusion |
960 | In - School Suspension |
*Valid codes for students with disabilities only.
Discipline Considerations
The State only wants the most severe offense for each discipline incident.
eSchoolPlus allows you to choose to allow users to enter more than one offense per incident. If you opt to do this, you will need to enter the most severe offense code on each discipline incident for the MD Suspension Reports to be accurate.
You may choose to use the Track Occurrences functionality of eSchoolPlus with no ill-effect on Maryland State Reporting. The Suspension Reports will work properly if you don't track occurrences or if you do.
Discipline District Setup
Administration > Interventions Setup > Behavior > Behavior District Configuration
If you check the Multiple Offenses checkbox on the General panel, make sure that your users follow the Multiple Offenses per Incident procedure in this guide. If you opt to not allow multiple offenses, then you should have users follow the One Offense per Incident procedure in this documentation.