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Maryland Course Catalog (MCC)

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > Maryland Course Catalog (MCC)

Use this menu option to run the MCC download and extract to report course catalog information. All courses offered to students should be reported. The following types must be reported:

  • Scheduled courses
  • Independent Study courses
  • Project-Based Learning courses
  • Postsecondary Course for High School Credit courses


  1. Verify SCED courses have been imported into Mark Reporting.
  2. Verify State Course Information for MCC reporting is accurate on the Course Catalog page.
  3. Verify all applicable fields are entered and maintained on the MD State Reporting page. This may be maintained at the district or building level.
  4. If a course should be excluded from the download, verify the Exclude From MCC field is checked on the MD State Reporting page.




Run Download

Checked to create the download tables for the MCC Report.

Run Extract

Checked to create the extract files for the MCC Report.

Task Name

Enter a name for the task. This field is optional.

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