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Maryland State Reporting Setup

Maryland State Reporting Validation Tables

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Maryland State Reporting

If the table is listed below, there are specific State required codes that must be used. In eSchoolPlus, these State required codes should be in the State Equiv Code field. Please see the most recent State documentation for the correct values.

eSchoolPlus Table

Description/Use in State Reporting

State Aid

Student's State Aid Eligibility information is sent to the State in the Public School Enrollment report.  This eligibility is date tracked in the MD State Aid program.

CTE Equivalency

This table is no longer used.

Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence

Used in the MD Attendance, Enrollment, Promotion Report

MD MMSR Predominant Prior Care

Used on the MD MMSR page for the MD MMSR Report to indicate what type of care a child received prior to starting school.

MD Course Codes

Used on the MD Class Level Membership page for courses.  This data is reported in the Class Level Membership Report as the Subject Code. 

MD ELL Codes

Used in the MD Attendance, Enrollment, Promotion Report

MD Defined Fields

Used to indicate to the system where your District is storing particular information used in some reports and forms.

MD CIP Codes

Used on the MD CTE page for the CTE Enrollment and Perkins Outcome files.

MD Course Completion Status

Used in Student Course Grade Teacher Report to indicate status of a course.

MD HSA Subject Area

Used in Student Course Grade Teacher Report to indicate HSA subject.

MD Course Placement

Used in Student Course Grade Teacher Report to indicate AP/Honors status for a course, if applicable.

MD Class of Record

Used in Student Course Grade Teacher Report to indicate MSA status of a course.

MD Graduation MetUsed in High School Data Collection Report to indicate MHSA graduation requirements have been met.
MD ApprenticeshipUsed in High School Data Collection Report to indicate Apprenticeship status for the Readiness for PS Success program.

SCGT Building Setup

Regulatory > Setup > Setup > SCGT Building Setup

Each building must be configured to define the mark reporting level and mark type(s) to use for the report.

The Level Number for Unweighted Marks is used to get the Grade Point Equivalent Reported. Buildings using homeroom attendance will have 2 additional fields for calculating days absent: Attendance View Type & Attendance Codes. These 2 fields are used to sum day totals. Buildings using period attendance will not see these 2 fields. Grades for the first Mark Type found in the Mark Types list will be downloaded.

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