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District Configuration Utility Overview


PowerSchool employees and District System Administrators can use the District Configuration Utility to create configuration files for the following applications:

  • eSchoolPLUS
  • eSchoolPLUS Web Services
  • Whiteboard
  • Teacher Access Center
  • Home Access Center
  • Enrollment Online

These generated configuration files control which databases display in the database drop-down list in each application's Set Environment page, as well as other relevant configuration information used throughout the applications. The DCU also creates configuration files for the K-12 Authentication Provider and the eSchoolPLUS API.

This document will guide you through the steps to use the District Configuration Utility to create a new record and to update an existing record. Field descriptions for each tab are also provided.

  • If you are running different versions of the software, you must create separate configuration files for each version. For example, if you are running 4.0, and 19.11, you will need to create one configuration file for 4.0 and one for 19.11.
  • If you change a database value from one valid database to another, you must use the Create App Config Files option (Tools > Create App Config Files) to update the configuration file(s), otherwise TAC and HAC may connect to the wrong database

To run the District Configuration Utility

  • Double-click the DistrictConfig.exe to run the District Configuration Utility.

If this has not been set up, please contact PowerSchool Technical Support.
Note: You must have Administrator rights to run the District Configuration Utility.

To locate the version number of the District Configuration Utility

  • Click Help > About or check the bottom status bar of the District Configuration Utility:

District Configuration Utility Window

When you first run the District Configuration Utility, the fields are not accessible until you either create a new configuration record or open an existing configuration record.

Sample New District Configuration Utility Window

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