In the District Configuration Utility window, click the Installation tab, select File, and then select New.
On the Installation tab, enter the directory information for the applications that your district will use in the Installation Directories section.
For field descriptions, refer to Installation Tab.
For each of the Installation Directory fields (for example, eSchoolPlus, TAC, Home Access, and Whiteboard) on the Installation tab, type or click to browse to the directory location for the applications that your district will use, as applicable.
For each Installation Directory that has a value entered, select the corresponding directory in the Virtual Directory field.
If your district runs eSchoolPlus in a hosted environment, either through PowerSchool or consortium, fill out the Hosting Settings section. as appropriate.
In the Environment Settings section, enter the environment details.
If you are running in a 64-bit operating system, enter a check in the 64-Bit Operating System box.
If your district has a login other than "support" for PowerSchool employees to use at your site, enter it in the Support Account Name field.
If the eSchoolPlus installation uses SQL Server authentication when connecting to the database using the ODBC connection, enter the SQL Server account to use in the Database User field. All databases configured on the District List tab will use this SQL Server account when an ODBC connection is used for accessing the database.
If Windows Authentication is used by the ODBC connection, leave this field and the Password and Confirm fields blank.
In the MTSProcess Account fields, enter the Domain the MTSProcess account is in, the Password, and Confirm the password.
On the Integrations tab, enter the URLS for the various applications on the General sub-tab.
If the K-12 Auth Provider URL is entered, then the Authorization sub-tab should be filled out.
If SSO with Unified Classroom or some third-party SSO is being used, then the Single Sign-On sub-tab should be filled out.
If Unified Classroom is being used, then the Unified Classroom sub-tab should be filled out.
Whether the Enable checkbox is checked on the Single Sign-On tab determines what the default checked state is for the External SSO? checkboxes in the District Information window.
For field descriptions, refer to Integrations Tab.
On the Tasks Database tab, the Database Information section and the eSchoolPlus fields in the Connection Information section are all required, and that information is used by the District List tab.
The Unique ID value is stored in a table in the tasks database, so if that information isn't filled in, the value for the Unique ID field cannot be generated.
For field descriptions, refer to Tasks Database Tab.
If single sign-on will be used or users will be able to switch from PowerSchool applications, click the Tenants tab, and then click the Tenant Information button in the bottom left corner of the window. Enter information for the tenant for the district/database from the external identity provider and/or the GUID for the App Switcher. For field descriptions, refer to the Tenant Information window. Click OK to save the tenant.
Click the District List tab, and then click the District Information button in the bottom left corner of the window. Note: Before moving on to the District List tab, certain information either should be or must be entered on the Integrations and Tasks tabs. For more information, refer to the field descriptions for those tabs.
In the District Information window, you can add a database record containing the District/Site information and Database Settings for each database you want to make available to users in the District List, and then click OK. Note: You may click Test before you click OK to verify that you entered the database and the login information properly. If you do not explicitly click Test, the system will perform the Test when you click OK.
For field descriptions, refer to District Information Window.
You can use the fields in the Available? section to select which PowerSchool applications will have access to the database.
You can add as many databases as you need for your users to access in the District List tab. Repeat steps 7-8 for each database you want to add.
If your district is using IEPPLUS Integration, you can then enter the appropriate information in the fields in the corresponding section.
If your district is using Home Access Center, enter the appropriate information in the Home Access tab. For field descriptions, refer to Home Access Tab.
On the Browser Support tab, enter the default message to display to users accessing the eSchoolPlus, Teacher Access, or Home Access applications (as applicable) with a browser that does not support the required features.
On the Password Maintenance tab, you can enable and configure the password maintenance features in eSchoolPlus and Teacher Access Center.
To save the changes to the configuration file, select File > Save, or select File > Save As to save the changes to a different configuration file, and then select or enter the name for the configuration file.
Create Application Configuration Files
Use this option to create configuration xml files for TAC, HAC and/or Whiteboard. You can create the files individually or all at once.
To create application configuration files individually for your district, select Tools > Create App Config Files, and then select the appropriate option(s).
To create all of the configuration files at once, select Tools > Create App Config Files, and then select All.
Alternatively, you can create all of the configuration files at once by pressing the key command combination: Ctrl+Shift+C.
Create ODBC DSN Connections for the Entries on the District List Tab
To use this tool to create the ODBC DSN connections for the entries on the District List tab, select Tools > Create DSNs.
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