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CALPADS Fall 1 Processing

The following section reviews the steps necessary to ensure that your Fall 1 reports in CALPADS are accurate. The primary function for the Fall 1 Reports is submitting Graduates and Drop-outs for the prior school year to CALPADS.

  1. After you have completed the Year End Rollover in eSchoolPlus, obtain ODS files for SSID Enrollment and Student Programs from CALPADS using the date range from 07/01/2005 to today's date. This file shows what CALPADS has and is used to figure what changes have occurred and how to send records from eSchoolPlus to CALPADS.
  2. Upload the ODS files into eSchoolPlus using the same dates as in Step 1 (Upload CALPADS ODS Files).
  3. Run Create CALPADS Extract/State Files  for School Year 2014 (SSID, Student Information and Student Programs). The Census Date should be 06/30/2014. See the Run the Extract Option and How to Create the State Files sections for more information.
  4. Submit the files to CALPADS. This will close out your last year records at CALPADS, especially transfers, dropouts and graduates. Fix any errors and post the students in CALPADS.
  5. Get new SSID Enrollment and Student Programs ODS files from CALPADS. Use the date range from 07/01/2013 to today's date.
  6. Upload the ODS files into eSchoolPlus using the same dates as in Step 5.
  7. Run Create CALPADS Extract/State Files  for School Year 2014 (SSID, Student Information and Student Programs). The Census Date should be 06/30/2014.
  8. Submit the files to CALPADS. Fix any errors and post the students in CALPADS.
  9. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 until there are no more errors for last school year.
  10. Get a new SSID Enrollment ODS file from CALPADS. Use the date range from 07/01/2013 to today's date. This will get all of the records from CALPADS into eSchoolPlus.
  11. Run Create CALPADS Extract/State Files  for School Year 2015 (SSID, Student Information, Student Programs, and Student ELA). The Census Date should be today's date.
  12. Submit the files to CALPADS. You are now starting information for this year. Using today's date gets your information at CALPADS up to date and helps other districts with their CCE errors. Fix any errors and post the students in CALPADS.
  13. Get a new SSID Enrollment, Student Programs, and Student ELA ODS files from CALPADS. Use the date range from 07/01/2014 to today's date.
  14. Using the same date range as in Step 12. Run 'Upload CALPADS ODS File' for SSID Enrollment.
  15. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 until there are no more errors for this school year.
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