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Washington Validation Tables

These validation tables can be found on the Validation Tables page (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. You must select Washington State Reporting for Applications and <Validation table name> for Validation Table.)

In the following tables, there are specific State required codes that must be used. In eSchoolPlus, these State required codes should be in the State Equiv Code field. Please see the most recent CEDARS manual and appendix for the correct values.

Validation Table

CEDARS Field or Code Set

APIB Course Codes

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Course Codes

CIP Codes

CIP Code Numbers and Course Titles for Approved CTE Courses

Content Area

Content Area Codes

Course Designation

Course Designation Code

School Choice

School Choice Code

Special Education LRE

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Code

Staff Certification

Staff Type Codes

Staff Type

Staff Type Codes (no, it is not a typo, we use these two values to make the one value that the State wants)

Technical Assessment

Did the Student Take or Pass a State or Nationally Recognized Assessment of Technical Skill and Knowledge?

Instructional Model

Instructional Model Code

Placement Test Level

Placement Test Level Score

WA Month Range

Used in the FTE Processes and when printing the P-223 Enrollment Form.

WA Override Reason

Used in the FTE Override process to indicate why a value is being overridden.


Used for P-223 Enrollment Form. A list of valid Educational Service Districts in Washington.

Gifted Program Referral CodesUsed for the CEDARS Student Programs (I) File to require a Qualification Code be reported for the Gifted Program Codes.
Career Launch Program TypeUsed for the CEDARS Student Programs (I) File to require a Qualification Code be reported for the Career Launch Program.
District-Issued Learning DevicesUsed for the CEDARS Student Programs (I) File to allow for the submission of Digital Home Access program codes, along with qualification codes and associated program codes.
WA Support and Identification AssessmentUsed for the CEDARS Student Supports (V) File to require a Support Code and Identification Assessment be reported for the Interventions tracking.

ALE Programs

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. You must select Discipline for Applications and ALE Programs for Validation Table.

Use this validation table to define descriptions for Alternative Learning Environment (ALE) programs that apply to student courses for FTE reporting. Specifically, the records in this table are used to identify courses to include in the ALE Reporting into SAFS FTE report (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select FTE submenu, select FTE, and then select WA FTE Aggregate Reports). They are also needed to identify a course as an ALE course for reporting ALE FTE in the P-223 Monthly Enrollment report. 
Your district will define descriptions for ALE course types to associate with courses (online, remote, site-based). Record codes and State Code Equiv values are defined by PowerSchool. The State Code Equiv is needed for associated courses to get ALE Program descriptions moved to Student FTE Summary records by the Create Student FTE calculation.

  • You will associate the appropriate ALE Program with applicable course-sections in the ALE Program field, WA Course Information Master Schedule course district-defined page (menu path: select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select Course Sections, and then select WA Course Information). Students scheduled into course-sections set up with an ALE Program will have the appropriate ALE Program description moved into Student Summary records created through the student FTE calculation.
  • ALE Program overrides are maintained on the student WA FTE Override page (menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select WA FTE Override). The override values take priority over FTE values calculated by the actual Create Student FTE calculation. For detailed information on setting overrides, refer to the WA FTE Override Maximum page.
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