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WA FTE Override Maximum

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select WA FTE Override.



School Year

The School Year that the FTE Override or Maximum values are valid for.

Reporting Month

Enter the month that you would like to override the FTE Calculation value or the FTE Maximum value for a student.

Schedule Building

Select a building where the student is scheduled for the reporting month and where you also need to override the calculated FTE value.

FTE Override

Enter the FTE value for the student. This is used for the student's regular FTE.

An ALE student with a regular FTE Override for a reporting period will also require override entries for the appropriate ALE Programs for ALE FTE to report in that same month.

FTE Override Reason

Select the reason that you are overriding the student's FTE value.

FTE Maximum

Enter the student's maximum FTE value.

Non Voc RS FTE

This field is no longer referenced for the P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report, beginning in 2014-2015. In past years, you used this as an override for the P-223 report's Nonvocational Running Start FTE value, as long as the College RS box was also checked for the reporting period.


This field is no longer referenced for the P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report, beginning in 2014-2015. In past years, you used this as an override for the P-223 report's Vocational Running Start FTE value, as long as the College RS box was also checked for the reporting period.

College RS

Checked if the student should be counted in the College RS Only headcount for the P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report.

  • The student will not be counted if the report finds no College Running Start FTE in the Vocational or Non-Vocational categories.
  • The report logs a warning if the student has any High School Running Start FTE for the reporting period.


No longer used. To override course-based non-vocational Running Start FTE, use the College Non Voc RS FTE field.


No longer used. To override course-based vocational Running Start FTE, use the College Voc RS FTE field.

College Non Voc RS FTE

Override value the P-223 Monthly report uses for the student's Nonvocational RS FTE at the College Campus setting. The report ignores course-based Running Start FTE if the student has at least one of the RS overrides set in the reporting period.

College Voc RS FTE

Override value the P-223 Monthly report uses for the student's Vocational RS FTE at the College Campus setting. The report ignores course-based Running Start FTE if the student has at least one of the RS overrides set in the reporting period.

ALE Student

Checked if the student is considered an Alternative Learning Environment student.

An ALE student needs a row with this box checked for each month/year where he/she needs ALE FTE counted.

Based on this setting and student enrollment in an ALE course, the student is included in the ALE Reporting into SAFS option for Headcount and FTE totals. It also marks the student for inclusion in the appropriate P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report as an ALE participant.

  • If the student's ALE FTE should be determined solely by the FTE calculation, leave the associated ALE Program fields blank.
  • If an ALE FTE override applies for a given month, enter the appropriate value in the corresponding ALE Program field(s).


These fields act as overrides to the calculated FTE values for the Alternative Learning Environment programs that apply for the student in a given reporting month. They are only referenced if the associated ALE Student box is checked.

Enter FTE values only for the ALE Programs that apply to the student. If no override should be used, leave these fields blank.

An ALE student with an FTE Override for regular FTE in a reporting period will require the appropriate ALE Program entries for ALE FTE as well. Otherwise ALE FTE will not report for the student in the reporting period.

OD 1418 Hours

Open Doors [1418] Reengagement program hours for the FTE reporting period. This is used as the basis for calculating the student's Open Doors FTE, obtained by dividing OD 1418 Hours by 900.

  • The student needs a value here to count toward Open Doors Headcount in the P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report.
  • If OD 1418 Voc is checked, the Open Doors FTE counts in the Vocational FTE column. Otherwise it counts in the Non-Vocational FTE column.

OD 1418 Voc

Checked if the OD 1418 Hours is used to calculate Vocational Open Doors FTE in the P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report. Leave the box un-checked if the Open Doors FTE is Non-Vocational.

This setting only has an impact if the student also has an OD 1418 Hours entry in the reporting period.

Vocational Independent WBL

Number of hours the student participated in an instructional Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved vocational funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.

Enter the number of hours for the selected reporting month.

The WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE option treats this value as follows:

  • Divides the value by 100.
  • Adds the value to the appropriate grade level category (middle school or high school) for Vocational FTE.

Vocational Cooperative WBL

Number of hours the student participated in a cooperative Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved vocational funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.

Enter the number of hours for the selected reporting month.

The WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE option treats this value as follows:

  • Divides the value by 200.
  • Adds the value to the appropriate grade level category (middle school or high school) for Vocational FTE.

Skill Center Independent WBL

Number of hours the student participated in an instructional Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved skill center enhanced funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.

Enter the number of hours for the selected reporting month.

The WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE option treats this value as follows:

  • Divides the value by 100.
  • Adds the value to Skill Center Total FTE.

Skill Center Cooperative WBL

Number of hours the student participated in a cooperative Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved skill center enhanced funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.

Enter the number of hours for the selected reporting month.

The WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE option treats this value as follows:

  • Divides the value by 200.
  • Adds the value to Skill Center Total FTE.
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