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WA Title I Part A End of Year

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > Title I Part A End of Year

This menu option will allow you to create the Title I Part A End of Year report used to submit information to the State about students who were served in instructional programs funded by Title I, Part A funds at any point between September 1 through June 30 of the prior school year.


  1. Verify that students' Title I, Part A data is updated correctly for the school year. Review the WAT11 – WA title I/III Program data for students by going to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA Title I or III or Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs. There are new fields on the page to indicate what students have received Guidance/Counseling, Health or other Support Services.
  2. Verify that students' WA Bilingual Instructional Model data is updated correctly.
  3. Make sure that students with IEPs have program vectors in the WAIEP – Individualized Education Program program. This can be accessed by going to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal: IEP or Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs.
  4. For Staff who provide Title I services in your district, update the TAS, TAS FTE, SWP, and SWP FTE fields on the WA Staff Information page.
  5. Verify that the WA District Title I Report page is updated properly for the school year.

Processing Prompts



School Year

Enter the school year.


Select the buildings to include in the report.

Date Range

Enter the date range.

Log File Type

Select which type of file you would like to get any errors and warnings in. The CSV option will produce a pdf file that will alert you if there are errors in the CSV file.

Where Does the Report Data Come From?

Report Section

Where in eSchoolPLUS?

1.A. Student Data: Targeted Assistance Public Schools

Count of students who had a program vector within the Start and End Dates for the following programs: Title I Assistance Reading, Title I Assistance Language Arts, Title I Assistance Math, Title I Assistance Science, Title I Assistance Social Studies. A student will only be counted once. Counts will be by grade, gender, and Race/Ethnicity.

I.B. Student Data: Schoolwide Programs

Count of students who had a program vector within the Start and End Dates for the following programs: Title I Schoolwide – Reading and Title I Schoolwide - Math. A student will only be counted once. Counts will be by grade, gender, and Race/Ethnicity.

1.C. Student Data: Non-Public School Program

Not reported from eSchoolPLUS.

1.D Student Data: Local Neglected Program

Count of students who had a Title I Neglect/Delinquent program vector within the Start and End Dates. A student will only be counted once. Counts will be by grade, gender, and Race/Ethnicity.

1.E. Student Data: Limited English Proficient/Bilingual

Count of students who had a WA Bilingual Instructional Model program vector within the Start and End Dates. A student will only be counted once. Counts will be by grade, gender, and Race/Ethnicity.

II. Descriptive Data and Support Services

  • Count of Title I students with a WA IEP program vector between the Start and End Dates
  • Count of Title I students with a Homeless program vector between the Start and End Dates
  • Count of Title I students with a WA Bilingual Instruction Model program vector between the Start and End Dates
  • Count of Title I students with a Title I Guidance/counseling program vector between the Start and End Dates
  • Count of Title I students with a Title I Health program vector between the Start and End Dates
  • Count of Title I students with a Title I Other Services program vector between the Start and End Dates

III.A. Instructional Programs: Targeted Assistance Public Schools

Count of students who had a program vector within the Start and End Dates for the following programs: Title I Assistance Reading, Title I Assistance Language Arts, Title I Assistance Math, Title I Assistance Science, Title I Assistance Social Studies. A student will only be counted once. Counts will be by grade and subject.

IV. Program Staff Data

Count and FTE of staff members by job classification from the WA Staff Information page.

V. Title I Report Data

Data for this section comes from the WA District Title I Report page.

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