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Manually Update FTE Override_Maximum For a Student

Registration > Entry & Reports>WA FTE Override/Maximum
Use this page if you want to manually override FTE values for a student that was previously calculated or if you know that the calculation will not work for the student. The fields highlighted below affect the K-12 Headcount and FTE values from the P-223 report's School District Enrollment section. For information on the remaining fields, refer to the WA FTE Override/Maximum section.
Note: for students who have been absent for more than 20 consecutive days, you must update this page and make their FTE Override value 0.00. Currently, the FTE Calculation is not looking at attendance information to exclude students.



School Year

The School Year that the FTE Override or Maximum values are valid for.

Reporting Month

Select the month for which that you want to manually update FTE information.

FTE Override

If you want to manually enter an FTE Override for this student, enter the value here.

Override Reason

If you want to manually enter an FTE Override Reason for this student, enter the value here.

FTE Maximum

If you want to manually enter an FTE Maximum for this student, enter the value here.

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