Entering Student Monthly FTE Overrides
The Registration > Entry & Reports > Demographic menu includes district-defined pages allowing you to override calculated student course FTE values for any reporting month. You also use these pages to designate a student for ALE reporting, override calculated ALE FTE, enter Open Doors FTE, and enter Work Based Learning FTE.
The Regulatory > FTE menu includes the WA FTE District-Defined Utility which lets you mass update the student pages for groups of students at once.
The following sections describe the individual student pages and the mass update utility.
WA FTE Override
Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override
This page stores monthly override and maximum values by schedule building for the student's regular FTE. Also use this page for College Running Start overrides.
Field | Description |
School Year | The School Year that the FTE Override or Maximum values are valid for. |
Reporting Month | Enter the month that you would like to override the FTE Calculation value or the FTE Maximum value for a student. |
Schedule Building | Select a building where the student is scheduled for the reporting month and where you also need to override the calculated FTE value. |
FTE Override | Enter the FTE value for the student. This is used for the student's regular FTE. |
FTE Override Reason | Select the reason that you are overriding the student's FTE value. |
FTE Maximum | Enter the student's maximum FTE value. |
College RS | Checked if the student should be counted in the College RS Only headcount for the P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report. |
College Non Voc RS FTE | Override value the P-223 Monthly report uses for the student's Nonvocational RS FTE at the College Campus setting. The report ignores course-based Running Start FTE if the student has at least one of the RS overrides set in the reporting period. |
College Voc RS FTE | Override value the P-223 Monthly report uses for the student's Vocational RS FTE at the College Campus setting. The report ignores course-based Running Start FTE if the student has at least one of the RS overrides set in the reporting period. |
WA ALE Override
Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA ALE Override
Use this page to indicate when a student needs ALE FTE reported and to enter monthly Alternative Learning Environment program FTE overrides by schedule building. You need to check the ALE Student box for any reporting month where the student's ALE FTE gets counted. You only need to enter an FTE value if you need to override the student's calculated ALE FTE value.
Field | Description |
School Year | The School Year that the ALE FTE override values are valid for. |
Reporting Month | Enter the month that you would like to override the ALE FTE value for a student. |
Schedule Building | Select a building where the student is scheduled for the reporting month and where you also need to override the calculated ALE FTE value. |
ALE Student | Checked if the student is considered an Alternative Learning Environment student.
ALEPROG1 through ALEPROG5 | These fields act as overrides to the calculated FTE values for the Alternative Learning Environment programs that apply for the student in a given reporting month. They are only referenced if the associated ALE Student box is checked. |
WA FTE Open Doors
Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Open Doors
Use this page for Open Doors Reengagement program FTE entry.
Students reporting Open Doors program FTE get excluded from the main K-12 headcount and FTE totals in the P-223 report and file.
Field | Description |
School Year | The School Year that the Open Doors program values are valid for. |
Reporting Month | Enter the month when the student's Open Doors information applies. |
OD 1418 Hours | Open Doors [1418] Reengagement program hours for the FTE reporting period. This is used as the basis for calculating the student's Open Doors FTE, obtained by dividing OD 1418 Hours by 900.
OD 1418 Voc | Checked if the OD 1418 Hours is used to calculate Vocational Open Doors FTE in the P-223 Monthly FTE Enrollment report. Leave the box un-checked if the Open Doors FTE is Non-Vocational. |
WA FTE Work Based Learning
Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Work Based Learning
This page lets you record a student's Work Based Learning hours for a building and month. The values are reflected in FTE district-level and school-level reporting as follows:
- District-level Basic Enrollment and Inter-District reports: These values are added to student course FTE values in the reports' Vocational Enhanced Enrollment section. Refer to the field descriptions for information on how the hours factor in the report.
- School-level Basic Enrollment (P-223) file: These values are added to Vocational Grade 7-8 FTE (field 79), Vocational Grade 9-12 FTE (field 80), and Skill Center FTE (field 78) where appropriate, using the method described in the field descriptions below.
Field | Description |
School Year | The School Year that the Work Based Learning values are valid for. |
Reporting Month | Enter the month when the student's Work Based Learning information applies. |
Schedule Building | Select which building will report this data. |
Vocational Independent WBL | Number of hours the student participated in an instructional Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved vocational funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.
Vocational Cooperative WBL | Number of hours the student participated in a cooperative Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved vocational funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.
Skill Center Independent WBL | Number of hours the student participated in an instructional Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved skill center enhanced funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.
Skill Center Cooperative WBL | Number of hours the student participated in a cooperative Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved skill center enhanced funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.
WA FTE District-Defined Utility
Regulatory > FTE > FTE > WA FTE District-Defined Utility
Use this option to save district-defined field data for a group of students all at once. Each time you use this utility, you choose the year, reporting period, and building involved, the pages and fields you want to update, and the group of students to process.
Follow these steps:
- Identify the School Year, FTE Reporting Month, and Schedule Building to use for each student page you want to update.
- Enter the values you want to update, referring to the following field descriptions for details on each field. The utility creates district-defined records as follows:
- Create a WA FTE Override record for each selected student if you entered a value in any field from FTE Override through College Running Start.
- Create a WA ALE Override record for each selected student if you entered a value in any field from Alternative Learning Environment through ALE Program 5.
- Create a WA FTE Work Based Learning record for each selected student if you entered a value in any field from Vocational Independent WBL through Skill Center Cooperative WBL.
- Select Clear Existing if the utility should overwrite any existing district-defined record matching the year, month, and building you chose.
Un-check Clear Existing to retain any existing record the utility finds for the students you select.
- In the Filter section, define selection criteria to limit which students get processed.
- Click Run.
Field | Description |
| |
FTE Override | Enter the value for the regular FTE Override field here. |
| |
FTE Override Reason | Enter the reason for the regular FTE Override here. |
| |
FTE Maximum | Enter the value for the Maximum field here. |
| |
College Non-Vocational RS FTE | Enter an FTE value for non-vocational Running Start FTE in the college campus setting. |
| |
College Vocational RS FTE | Enter an FTE value for vocational Running Start FTE in the college campus setting. |
| |
College Running Start | Select whether students should be identified as College Running Start Only for the P-223 Monthly report's Running Start headcount. |
| |
Alternate Learning Environment | Checked if the student is considered an Alternative Learning Environment student.
| |
ALEPROG1 through ALEPROG5 | These fields act as overrides to the calculated FTE values for the Alternative Learning Environment programs that apply for the student in a given reporting month. They are only referenced if the associated ALE Student box is checked. |
| |
Vocational Independent WBL |
| Number of hours the student participated in an instructional Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved vocational funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.
Vocational Cooperative WBL |
| Number of hours the student participated in a cooperative Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved vocational funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.
Skill Center Independent WBL |
| Number of hours the student participated in an instructional Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved skill center enhanced funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.
Skill Center Cooperative WBL |
| Number of hours the student participated in a cooperative Work Based Learning experience that also qualifies for state-approved skill center enhanced funding. You may enter fractional time, such as 15.5 for fifteen-and-a-half hours.