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Texas Graduation Requirements Procedures

The Foundation High School Program (FHSP) is the default graduation program for all students entering ninth grade as part of House Bill 5: Foundation High School Program. In addition to completing an FHSP, students must complete at least one Endorsement in the areas of:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Business and Industry
  • Public Service
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Multi-Disciplinary Studies

Endorsements also include categories of specialization. For example, the Business and Industry endorsement includes categories of Agriculture, Arts, and Finance. Only the Endorsement areas report to TEA. If your district defines and tracks requirements for the endorsement categories, only the applicable endorsement area displays.

Districts can track a student's FHSP and endorsements in one of two ways, Career Planner or the FHSP Overrides page:

  • Use Career Planner to manage graduation plans and endorsements for students by assigning students to the FHSP and endorsements. Students can review the requirements for the FHSP and endorsements as they select courses to fulfill requirements.
    • Run the Graduation Requirements calculation to determine if students completed the requirements. If the student meets the requirements for a supplemental requirement group, an alert record generates with a code of TXCOMPLETE. This alert does not display on career plans as it is not a warning for an incomplete plan.
    • You can also run the HB5 Batch Model Process to assign endorsements to students who completed the course work for an unassigned endorsement.
  • Use the FHSP Overrides page to record if a student participates in or has completed an FHSP and endorsements. If you enter an override, you must enter values for all endorsements for the student. Texas Regulatory processing does not use Career Planner data for FHSP Endorsement status for any student that has records for the FHSP Overrides page.

If you enter an override on the FHSP Overrides page, you must enter values for all endorsements for the student. Texas Regulatory processing does not use Career Planner data for FHSP Endorsement status for any student that has records on the FHSP Overrides page.

About Career Planner

  • Use Career Planner to set up graduation requirement groups (FHSP and FHSP with endorsements plans) and supplemental groups (endorsements, endorsement categories, and Distinguished Level of Achievement plan). These groups are defined by graduation year.
  • Specify the required subject areas or disciplines and indicate the credit requirements to define graduation requirements for each requirement or supplemental group.
  • Assign courses to subject areas in the Course Catalog and Master Schedule.
  • Assign students to a graduation requirement group and supplemental groups on the Academic page. Students can have one graduation requirement group and multiple supplemental groups.
  • Scheduling and Home Access Center include Career Planner options to enter student requests. You can enter student requests for multiple future years in Career Planner. To enter requests, select a subject area from an assigned graduation requirement and supplemental requirement groups and then review the courses for that subject area.
  • Career Planner can create requests beyond one year in the future as district requests when there is more than one high school. If your district has more than one high school, use the District Course Catalog to use Career Planner for course requests. A district course request has a building value of -1.

Texas Customizations for Career Planner

The following menu options have been modified for Texas school districts:

Menu Option

Texas Customizations

Career Plan Worksheet

  • Additional fields allow you to print a career plan on fewer pages.
  • The Attempted Credit total reflects in-progress and future courses.
  • The Earned Credit total reflects the courses completed this year and in prior years.

Career Planner

  • Career Plan alerts do not display for the TXCOMPLETE alert.
  • The page indicates if a student or guardian digitally signed the career plan in Home Access Center.
  • The Model option creates a TXCOMPLETE alert if the student has completed requirements for a requirement group or supplemental requirement group.

This page also reflects the customizations for the Career Plan Worksheet page.

Graduation Requirements Calculation

  • The calculation creates a TXCOMPLETE alert if the student has completed requirements for a requirement group or supplemental requirement group.


  • The Career Plan page may display an option to add a digital signature for students and guardians to agree to the student's career plans.

HAC Building Configuration

  • The page has options for a digital signature for students and guardians in the Show Career Planner.

The following menu options have been added for Texas school districts:

Menu Option


Generate Supplemental Graduation Requirement Groups

Adds a supplemental requirement group record to the Academic page for many students.

HB5 Batch Model Process

Models supplemental requirement groups for multiple students and creates TXCOMPLETE alert if the student completes a supplemental requirement group. Also includes an option to add the completed supplemental requirement groups to the Activity page instead of modeling the requirement groups.

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