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Student Movement and Class Roster Records

The Class Roster Download looks at three sets of dates when determining the Student Start Date and Student End Date and the number of records to create. The dates are as follows:

  • Marking Period start and end dates associated with the course (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Marking Periods)
  • Student's Entry/Withdrawal information (menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal)
  • Student's Add/Drop information for the course on the Student Course page (menu path: select Scheduling from the main menu, select Student Schedules submenu, select Student, and then select Schedule Entry. Click the Description link)

The download goes through these steps:

  1. Find the earliest date when the course meets, the student is enrolled in a building, and the student is enrolled in the course. Create a Class Roster record with this Student Start Date.
  2. See if there are any interruptions in the student's course enrollment. This is the Date Added and Date Dropped entries on the Student Course page (menu path: select Scheduling from the main menu, select Student Schedules submenu, select Student, and then select Schedule Entry. Click the Description link).
    • If there is no Date Dropped for the course, the student gets one Class Roster record. The Student End Date is the latest End Date for the course from the Marking Periods setup.
    • If the student has a Date Dropped entry, proceed to Step 3.
  3. Use the Date Dropped as the Student End Date for the first Class Roster record. See if the student has another Date Added for the course.
    • If the student does not have another Date Added, complete processing. The student does not get an additional Class Roster record for this course.
    • If there is another Date Added, proceed to Step 4.
  4. Create a new Class Roster record where the Student Start Date is the earliest date when the course meets, the student is re-enrolled in the course, and the student is enrolled in a building.
  5. Go back to Steps 2 through 4 as needed until all Date Added values are handled.

The next section gives some practical examples illustrating how the download handles student movement in terms of Entry/Withdrawal records and Course Add/Drop information.

Class Roster Download Examples – Handling Changes in Student Enrollment

The Class Roster Download creates multiple records based on interruptions in the student's course enrollment. If the download finds the student enrolled in the course for its full duration, it creates a single Class Roster record, even if the student changed building enrollment in that timeframe.

To reinforce this fundamental rule, consider the following student examples based on these data points:

  • All students are in the same English 10 course.
  • The course building is Building 100.
  • The course meets across four marking periods with these dates:
    • MP1 8/15/2019 to 10/19/2019
    • MP2 10/22/2019 to 12/21/2019
    • MP3 1/02/2020 to 3/15/2020
    • MP4 3/18/2020 to 5/21/2020

Student Enrollment Scenario

Entry/Withdrawal Information

Course Add/Drop Information

Class Roster Results

Student 21001 is enrolled in Building 100 and the course continuously.

Entry Date: 8/15/2019
No Withdrawal Date

Date Added: 8/15/2019
No Date Dropped

One record.
Student Start Date: 8/15/2019

Student End Date:

Student 21002 withdraws from Building 100 and re-enters. The student drops and re-adds English 10 on the same dates as stored in the Entry/Withdrawal records.

Entry Date: 8/15/2019
Withdrawal Date: 12/10/2019

Entry Date: 12/21/2019
No Withdrawal Date

Date Added: 8/15/2019
Date Dropped: 12/10/2019

Date Added: 12/21/2019
No Date Dropped

Two records.
Student Start Date: 8/15/2019

Student End Date: 12/10/2019

Student Start Date: 12/21/2019
Student End Date:

Student 21003 withdraws from Building 100 and re-enters. The student does not drop the English 10 course at any point.

Entry Date: 8/15/2019
Withdrawal Date: 12/10/2019

Entry Date: 12/21/2019
No Withdrawal Date

Date Added: 8/15/2019
No Date Dropped

One record.
Student Start Date: 8/15/2019

Student End Date:

Student 21004 withdraws from Building 100 and enters Building 200. The student does not drop the English 10 course at any point.

Building 100

Entry Date: 8/15/2019
Withdrawal Date: 12/10/2019

Building 200

Entry Date: 12/21/2019
No Withdrawal Date

Date Added 8/15/2019
No Date Dropped

One record.
Student Start Date: 8/15/2019

Student End Date:

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