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Downloads and Extracts

This section will explain the options used to create the download or extract files for submission to the state.

There are downloads and extracts used to submit data for PEIMS and TEDS, as well as other collections required by the state.

PEIMS Download and Extract Options

The following options are used to generate PEIMS download records and submission files.

Menu Option


Course/Staff/Student Download

Creates the course, staff, and student download records for submission. The submission you select to process determines the download records which are created. This option also can be run as an error scan to help you identify data errors before creating download records.

TSDS Download

Creates the download records for the following submissions:

  • Class Roster (Fall and Winter)
  • Residential Facility (RF) Tracker
  • SPPI-14

PEIMS Edit File

Creates the edit files to submit to the state.

TEDS Extract

Creates the extract file with XML data sets for TSDS PEIMS submissions.

TSDS ExtractCreates the extract file with XML data sets for the download records created in the TSDS Download submissions.

Other Downloads and Extracts

The following options are used to generate the other download and submission files for Texas.

Menu Option


ECDS Extract

Creates the extract file for the Early Childhood Data System (ECDS).

FitnessGram Download

Creates the download file for the physical education course information required for the FitnessGram submission.

FitnessGram Extract

Creates the extract file for the physical education course information required for the FitnessGram submission.

PET Extract

Creates the extract file for Person Enrollment Tracking (PET).

Staff Unique ID Extract

Creates the extract file required to submit staff data in a Unique ID request file.

Student Unique ID Extract

Creates the extract file required to submit student data in a Unique ID request file. 

Dashboard ExtractCreates the extract file required to submit dashboard data of only those records that have undergone a process interchange since the district's prior submission.
Enrollment ExtractCreates the extract file required to submit enrollment data of only those records that are new, updated, or deleted since the district's prior submission.
TREx ExportCreates the export file required to submit student records in an electronic form (XML).

Additional Information

The TSDS Extract will determine the current school year versus the prior school year based on the Last School Date value from the Texas Configuration validation table.

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