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Class Roster Processing

The TSDS Download and TSDS Extract options let you create the XML complex types comprising the Class Roster submission.  You can run the submission either for Fall or Winter. The Class Roster submission reports student, staff, and course offering data so the TEA assessment portal can show students linked to their teachers at the classroom level.

The sections that follow explain how to create the download records for this submission and run the extract to generate the XML complex types. We also explain any filtering logic the download uses when selecting what data to report for the submission complex types.

Class Roster Prerequisites

  1. Verify that the State Code Equivs are set up in the Grade List validation table.
  2. Verify that the relevant Student Procedures are completed.
  3. Verify that the relevant Staff Procedures are completed.
    1. Associate primary and secondary staff with Master Schedule course-section sessions using the Staff Date Tracking window (menu path: select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select Course Sections, and then select Master Schedule. You must select Session Information and then select Staff and Room Information, click the Primary Staff or Secondary Staff field links). In addition to associating Staff IDs as primary or secondary staff, you will assign Start Dates and, when appropriate to indicate close of the teacher's service, End Dates. See the Assign Staff to Course-Sections page for more details.
    2. You can use the Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data utility (menu path: select Scheduling from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, and then select Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data) to add this information for multiple course-sections at the same time.
  4. Verify the Marking Period start and end dates associated with the course (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Marking Periods).
  5. Verify the Student's Entry/Withdrawal information (menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal).
  6. Verify the Student's Add/Drop information for the course on the Student Course page (menu path: select Scheduling from the main menu, select Student Schedules submenu, select Students, and then select Schedule Entry. You must click the Description link).

Download Processing

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Downloads, and then select TSDS Download.
  2. In the Download Options panel, specify the required fields from the following.

    Download Type

    Select All.

    Building ListSelect the buildings.
    School YearSelect the school year.

    Select either W - Class Roster - Winter or F - Class Roster - Fall.

    Clear All Existing Download DataCheck to clear the existing downloaded data in the application.
    Pre-ScanCheck to verify your district's data before creating download records. These pre-scan rules check for missing or incorrect data that is needed for a download to process correctly.
    Run DownloadCheck to run the download process and insert records into the selected download tables.
    Post-ScanCheck to verify the data inserted into a single download table and make sure it adheres to the state rules.
    Cross-ValidationCheck to cross-validate data across multiple download tables.
    Run DateSelect the run date for the download. The download will include all data as of the selected date.
    Task/Report NameEnter a name for the download.
    Select AllCheck to select all applicable Download Prompts for the Class Roster submission.
  3. Specify the additional processing options in the Download Prompts panel. Refer to the Download/Extract Prompts for more information.
  4. Click Run.
  5. To view task status and retrieve reports, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. 

Extract Processing

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Extracts, and then select TSDS Extract.
  2. In the Extract Options panel, specify the following required fields. 

    Extract Type

    Select All. You can select Student to filter only the Student information.

    Building ListSelect the buildings.
    School YearSelect the school year.

    Select either W - Class Roster - Winter or F - Class Roster - Fall.

    Task/Report NameEnter a name for the extract.
    Select AllCheck to select all applicable Extract Prompts for the Class Roster submission.
  3. Specify the additional processing options in the Extract Prompts panel. Refer to the Download/Extract Prompts for more information.
  4. Click Run.
  5. To locate the file, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The file will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Recent Reports panel. Save it to your local machine.

Download/Extract Prompts

This section describes the complex types used for Class Roster submission processing, and any special conditions that apply.

Course (EDORG)Reports Course Catalog records for each building you choose to process. The selected Building needs a State Equivalency Code. Each course needs to be assigned to a State Course code through Course Equivalency Definition. 
Local Education Agency (EDORG)Reports your main LEA's information; this is your district record that is not validation-only. For programs offered by the district, the download uses the following Texas State Reporting validation table: Student Program Type.
School (EDORG)Reports the buildings you choose from the Building List. To be reported, a building needs its State Equivalency Code defined (Building Definition).
Course Offering (MS)Reports courses included in the Master Schedule that are in progress as of the prompted Run Date for processed buildings.
Section (MS)Reports the Additional Master Schedule information for course-sections included in the Course Offering complex type. The course-section must be in progress as of the prompted Run Date.
Teacher Section Association (STAFF)Reports staff course-section information based on Master Schedule Staff Date Tracking records where the staff member is associated with a processed course-section as of the Run Date, does not have the Do Not Report in PEIMS checkbox selected, and has one of the following Role IDs: 087 (Teacher) or 047 (Substitute Teacher).
Student (STUPARENT)Reports students in the processed buildings. This does not include preregistered students (Current Year Status of P on the Registration page). The download checks to make sure the student is enrolled in the building based on Entry/Withdrawal for the School Year and Run Date.
Student School Association (STUENROLL)Reports student building enrollment based on the Building List prompt. Students need to be enrolled in courses for the building as of the prompted Run Date.
Student Section Association (STUENROLL)

Reports student course information based on the buildings you chose to process. The download only reports student course information if both the course building and the student's Entry/Withdrawal building are selected in the Building List. To be included, the student needs to be scheduled in the course-section and enrolled in the Entry/Withdrawal building as of the prompted Run Date.

Staff (STAFF)Reports staff members with a Responsibilities staff building page record and one of the following Role IDs: 087 (Teacher) or 047 (Substitute Teacher) for the selected buildings. The download also includes staff based on Master Schedule Staff Date Tracking records where the staff member is associated with a processed course-section as of the Run Date, has one of the Role IDs listed above, and does not have the Do Not Report in PEIMS checkbox selected.

Additional Download Processing

  • The download does not include summer school courses in Class Roster submission processing.
  • The download excludes courses where the Course Catalog's State Course code begins with SA, SE, SR, SS, or 8. This applies to the following complex types: Course, Teacher Section Association, Course Offering, Section, Staff, and Student Section Association.
  • The Teacher Section Association processes one unique record per staff/section combination in the following order:
    1. Prioritized by highest Role ID value (out of valid Role IDs per submission)

    2. Prioritized by earliest Start Date

    3. Prioritized by latest End Date

  • The Fall Class Roster submission will only report Student, Staff, Course, Course Offering, Section, Student School Association, Student Section Association, and Teacher Section Association information for grades 1 through 12. 
  • The Teacher Section Association extract XML file includes Staff Roles.
  • The Teacher Section Association and Staff records will report all staff (for ROLE-ID except for Teacher's Aides (Role ID 033)) assigned to the section having the Master Schedule Staff Date-Tracking Data records that are active on the run date.
  • The Course Offering record will report courses scheduled on the run date with Course Identification System for State Course Code that reports the service IDNote that the State Course Code is not reported in the Master Schedule Course Offering extract.
  • The Section record will report course-sections of courses that are in session on the run date.
  • The Student Section Association record will report courses, course-sections, and students that are in class on the run date.
  • The Course, Course Offering, Staff, and Teacher Section Association downloads will exclude courses in the following scenarios:

    • Student is not enrolled in the course on the run date.

    • Student enrolled in the course must not have an entry/withdrawal record on the run date.

  • The Section download will exclude course-sections in the following scenarios:

    • Student is not enrolled in the course-section on the run date.

    • Student enrolled in the course-section must not have an entry/withdrawal record on the run date.

  • The Section download reports the Population Served description and the Section extract reports the Population Served value from the Master Schedule file.

  • The Master Schedule extract reports the State Course Code in the Course Offering record and Non Campus Based Instruction code (if it is not set in eSchoolPlus) as 00 in the Section record.

  • The Teacher School Association records will report all staff (for ROLE-ID 087) with a TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE (E1722) in the Staff download (under STFTCHINC - Teacher Incentive (STAFF) as Incentive Allotment) if the staff is not reported in the Teacher Section Association download. (Only for Winter Class Roster submission).
  • The Staff records will report all staff (for ROLE-ID 087) with a CREDITABLE-YEAR-OF-SERVICE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1721) in the Staff download (under STFSTAFF - Staff (STAFF) as Creditable Years of Service) that is only for Winter Class Roster submission.
  • The Teacher Section Association records will not report all staff (for ROLE-ID 047) with a TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE (E1722) in the Staff download (under STFTCHINC - Teacher Incentive (STAFF) as Incentive Allotment) and CREDITABLE-YEAR-OF-SERVICE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1721) in the Staff download (under STFSTAFF - Staff (STAFF) as Creditable Years of Service). (Only for Winter Class Roster submission).
  • The Teacher School Association and Teacher Section Association records when reported with matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID but different CAMPUS-ID values, a special warning message will be displayed asking for verification of the teacher’s assignments.
  • The combination of the TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and CAMPUS-ID fields must be unique for each Teacher School Association record. If the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are "999" for a Teacher School Association reported for the Class Roster collection, there should not be another Teacher School Association reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID where the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are not "999".
  • The Teacher School Association record will have a staff person with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and at least one TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE.
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