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Responsibilities Page (090)

On this page:

Use this page to create staff responsibility records for a building. For PEIMS reporting, you must create a record for all staff responsibilities for teachers who are not the Primary Staff for a course in the Master Schedule or who do not have a staff assignment in staff date tracking.

You must enter information on the Building District-Defined Responsibilities page in the following situations:

  • The building does not use the Scheduling module.
  • The teacher has unscheduled responsibilities you want to report.
  • The teacher is a secondary staff member for a course and requires a responsibility record.

The Role ID, Service ID, Population Served, and Numbers of Days/Minutes Taught fields are required for 090 records.

Responsibilities (090)

  1. Navigate to the Staff page.
  2. Select a building on the Building Information panel.
  3. Click Responsibilities on the District-Defined panel.
  4. Complete the fields as needed.
  5. Click Save.

Role ID (e0721)

Choose the role ID for the teacher's responsibility role.

A Class ID is required If you use one of the following Role IDs:

  • 002 Art Therapist
  • 007 Corrective Therapist
  • 012 District Instructional Program Director
  • 015 Music Therapist
  • 016 Occupational Therapist
  • 017 Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist
  • 018 Physical Therapist
  • 021 Recreational Therapist
  • 026 Speech Therapist
  • 032 Work-Based Learning Site Coordinator
  • 033 Educational Aide
  • 047 Substitute Teacher
  • 087 Teacher

Service ID (e0724)

Choose the service ID for the teacher services.

Population Served (e0747)

Select the student population intended to receive a service. It does not necessarily identify the program eligibility of the students who receive the service.

Number of Students (e0170)Enter the number of students in the class as of the PEIMS reporting date.
ESC SSA Staff Indicator (e1015)Choose the appropriate indicator to specify whether this is a shared service arrangement.
  • 1 - Staff Member Works For Esc Only, Is Not Part Of An Esc Ssa
  • 2 - Staff Member Is Part Of The Esc Ssa, Esc Is Fiscal Agent
Class Type Code (e1055)Choose the type of class providing instruction to students in particular class settings.
Monthly Minutes (e1057)

Enter the number of minutes in a month devoted to a particular class. For PEIMS Data Standards, a month is the four weeks before the as-of-date.

Class ID (GENERATED) (e1056)

Leave this field blank or enter AUTO when you create a responsibility record. The class ID generates when you run the Staff Download option.

This value indicates the Class ID reported in the 090 record for this staff responsibility record.

Number-Days-Taught-Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 (e1604, e1605, e1606, and e1607)

Enter the number of days physical education instruction is provided for each week during October. The last Friday in October determines Week 4.

Use only for staff members assigned to physical education course sections.

Number - Minutes - Taught - Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 (e1608, e1609, e1610, and e1611)

Enter the number of minutes physical education instruction is provided for each week during October. The last Friday in October determines Week 4.

Use only for staff members assigned to physical education course sections.

Grade Level (e0017)

Choose the current grade level of the students served in the class. Grade Level applies only to records with Role IDs of 087 (Teacher), 047 (Substitute), or 033 (Educational Aide) and a Population Served code of 06.

  • For scheduled classes, the Grade Level calculates and populates on the page based on the students enrolled in the section. No data entry is required.
  • If a class has students in multiple grade levels, report the grade level for the majority of students.

  • If there is an equal number of students in different grade levels, report the highest grade level.

ADSY Indicator (e1673)

Select if the staff member teaches students eligible for the additional days school year program.

The field is also located on the following pages:

Teacher Incentive Allotment

The Teacher School Association records report all staff (Role ID = 087) with a Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code (e1722) in the Staff download if the staff does not report in the Teacher Section Association download for the Winter Class Roster submission.

  1. Navigate to the Staff page.
  2. Click Teacher Incentive Allotment on the District-Defined panel.
  3. Choose the School Year and Teacher Incentive Allotment code.
  4. Click Save.

Creditable Years Service

The Staff records report all staff (Role ID = 087) with a Creditable Years of Service Indicator Code (e1721) in the Staff download that is only for the Winter Class Roster submission.

  1. Navigate to the Staff page.
  2. Click TSDS Staff on the District-Defined panel.
  3. Select Creditable Years Service Ind if the staff member is eligible.
  4. Select Exclude CR Winter if the Class Roster Winter submission details are not required.
  5. Click Save.

Physical Education Class Information

The Staff Responsibility record logic includes default elements at the building level for days and minutes per week for PE classes. The logic checks for values in the following order:

  1. Section Level
  2. Course Level
  3. Building Level

The software uses the first non-blank value. For schools where all or most of the PE classes follow the same pattern for Days/Minutes Taught by Week (fields e1604-e1611), enter values at the building level in District > Schools/School Info. If any specific sections need overrides, enter those on the Sections page.

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