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PEIMS Demographics Pages

PEIMS Demographics fields record data as part of the following records:

  • 101
  • 102
  • 110
  • 400
  • 500
  • 505
  • 510

PEIMS Demographics fields display on two pages:

  • Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student District Defined, and then select District-Defined PEIMS Demographics. Use this page to display all PEIMS Demographics fields. This page includes the student's current value for program-tracked fields, not the student's value as of the current date.
  • Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student Demographic, and then select Programs. Click 146 - PEIMS Demographics (Program). Use this page to review the history for all programs tracked for PEIMS Demographics.


Use the Programs option to maintain values for program-tracked fields so you can also update any related programs. If you click the field's link on the district-defined page, you can only see the program records for that field; you do not see the related programs.

To change a student's value for a program-tracked field, enter an end date to close the existing program, enter a start date, and choose the Value to open a new one.

Many fields report a value of 0 for not participating. For these programs, a student typically only needs to have a program tracking record for the date range if the student participates in the program.


Campus ID of Residence (e0903)

Enter the campus number for the campus attendance area where the student resides. Only enter a campus of residence for a period where the student's Student Attribution Code is a code other than 00 or 12 through 24. (101 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Campus ID of Accountability (e1027)

Enter the campus number where a student's attendance or leaver accountability data are attributed for campus accountability purposes. Only enter a campus of accountability for students who were enrolled only in a DAEP or a JJAEP. This campus cannot be a DAEP or a JJAEP building. (101 Record)

Program-tracked field.

ADA Eligibility (e0787)

Select the code for the student for attendance accounting records of the district. (110 Record)

Assign the student to the appropriate Entry/Withdrawal calendar to report attendance correctly. The campus must have full-day, half-day, and non-membership calendars.

Program-tracked field.

EB Indicator (e0790)

Select a value if the student identifies as Emergent Bilingual by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient (19 TAC §89.1220), according to criteria established in 19 TAC §89.1225. (110, 400, 500 Records)

Program-tracked field.

Parental Permission (e0896)

Select a value if the student's parent or legal guardian has approved the student's placement in the required bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) program. (See 19 TAC §89.1240.) (110 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Gifted Talented Indicator (e0034)

Select a value if the student participates in a state-approved gifted and talented program, as defined in 19 TAC §89.1. (110, 400, 500 Records)

Program-tracked field.

Immigrant Indicator (e0797)

Select a value if the student is an identified immigrant as defined in the PEIMS Data Standards. (110 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Student Attribution Code (e1000)

Select a value if the student is not attending school in the district where the student resides or the alternate type of school the student attends. (101 Record)

To report 00 No Attribution, do not create a program record for the student.

Program-tracked field.

PEP Indicator (e1012)

Select if the student participates in the Pregnancy, Education, and Parenting program.

Program-tracked field.

Pregnancy Related (PRSRV)

Select if the student receives pregnancy-related services.

Program-tracked field.

Fall Demographic Revision (e0924F)

A value of 0 reports in the Fall submission 101 record for the Demographic Revision Confirmation Code.

Program-tracked field.

Summer Demographic Revision (e0924S)

A value of 0 reports in the Summer submission 101 record for the Demographic Revision Confirmation Code.

Program-tracked field.

Ext Yr Demographic Revision (e0924E)

A value of 0 reports in the Extended Year submission 101 record for the Demographic Revision Confirmation Code.

Program-tracked field.

SSI Promotion Retention (e1030)

Select a value if the student was promoted or retained due to participation in the Student Success Initiative (SSI) as described in TAC Chapter 101, Subchapter BB, and TEC §28.0211. (110 Record)

Program-tracked field.

As Of Status (e1002)

Select a value to indicate the student's status at the district for the as-of date for the submission. This value calculates for the student when you run the Student Download.

If the student's status does not calculate, you can enter the appropriate value and select As Of Status Override so the calculation does not update the field. (101 Record)

As Of Status Override

Select if the value in the As Of Status field should override the calculated status. The Student Download will not update the As Of Status field.

After you complete a submission, clear As Of Status Override if you want the Student Download to calculate the status for the next submission.

Bilingual/ESL Summer Indicator (e1028)

Select if the student participated in the Bilingual/ESL Summer School program as described in TEC §29.060 and 19 TAC §89.1250. (101 Record only reported for submission 4)

A student must be enrolled in the Bilingual/ESL Summer Indicator program for at least one day in Texas Configuration's Bilingual Summer date range to have a 100 and 101 record report for the Extended Year submission.

For the Extended Year download, a student with a Prior Bilingual/ESL Summer code must have a Bilingual/ESL Summer Indicator (E1028) active during the Bilingual Summer date range in the Texas Configuration. The student must also have a Prior Bilingual/ESL Summer code active during the Bilingual Summer date range in the Texas Configuration.

Program-tracked field.

Bilingual Program Type Code (e1042)

Select a value if the student participates in a state-approved bilingual education program as defined in the PEIMS Data Standards. (110 Record)

Program-tracked field.

ESL Program Type Code (e1043)

Select a value if the student participates in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program as defined in the PEIMS Data Standards. (110 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Flexible Attendance Program (e1045)

Select a value for the unique type of flexible attendance program for the student's flexible attendance. (500, 505, 510 Records)

Program-tracked field.

Crisis Indicator Code (e1054)

Select a value for the state health or weather-related event that impacts a group of students and may require additional funding, educational, or social services. The event may or may not cause the student to leave the district or campus of residence. The Commissioner of Education designates a crisis event. (100 Record)

Do not create a record for a student to report 00 - Student Was Not Affected By A Health Or Weather Related Crisis.

Program-tracked field.

Unschooled Asylee/Refugee (e1076)

Select a value if the student's initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grades 7 through 12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee per TEC Section 39.027(a-1). (101 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Early Reading Indicator (e1522)

Select a value if the student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction due to reading difficulties or dyslexia, as indicated by an administered reading instrument. Record this for students in grades KG, 01, and 02. (102 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Foster Care Indicator (e1528)

Select a value if the student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students, was previously in the conservatorship of DFPS. (102 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Military Connected Student (e1529)

Select a value if the student is dependent on a member of the United States armed forces, Texas National Guard, or the United States military reserve force. In addition to the code, enter the Start Date and End Date as appropriate. (102 Record)

Program-tracked field.

Dyslexia Indicator (e1530)

Select a value if the student is identified as having dyslexia or related disorders defined in TEC Section 38.003. The student is not required to be receiving services for the disorder. The Dyslexia Indicator Code is only collected in Submission 1. (110 Record)

Program-tracked field.

CPR Instruction Completed DateEnter the date the student completed CPR instruction, as required for graduation. A school district or open-enrollment charter school may waive the requirement for a student unable to complete the requirement due to a disability. There is no state reporting requirement for this information.
CPR Waiver Date

Enter the one-time waiver date for seniors graduating in 2020-21 who have not completed the CPR Training required for graduation.

Registration Contact BirthdateEnter the date of birth for the guardian registering the student at the district. There is no state reporting requirement for this information.
Speech Requirement Met Date Enter the date the student met the speech requirement for the Foundation High School Program for TREx.

Individual Graduation Comm (e1562)

Select a value if the student for whom an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) was established has graduated based on an IGC decision. This is only for graduates in Submission 1. (203 Record)

Program-tracked field.

FHSP College Career Instr Code

Select if a student in grades 7 or 8 has received instruction in preparing for high school, college, and a career that includes information about high school personal graduation plan under TEC 28.02121 and the distinguished level of achievement described by TEC 28.025(b-15). This field is reported for TREx.

Military Enlistment Indicator (e15JJ)

Select a value if the student will enlist in the military after graduation. This field applies to all students graduating from high school regardless of the high school plan completed by the student. This is for Submission 1 only. (203 record)

Program-tracked field.

Associate Degree Indicator (e1596)

Select if the student has earned an associate degree before high school graduation. This is for Submissions 1 and 3 only. (100 record)

Program-tracked field.

ONRAMPS Dual Enrollment Ind (e1597)

Select if the student has completed an OnRamps dual enrollment course. This is for Submissions 3 and 4 only. (415 record)

The ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT-INDICATOR-CODE is removed from the CourseTranscriptExtension complex type extract for Submissions 3 and 4.

Program-tracked field.

Intervention Strategy (e1602)

Select if the student enrolled at the campus that participated in an intervention strategy during the school year. Included in Submissions 1 and 3 only. (110 record)

Program-tracked field.

Peace Officer Instr Met DateEnter the date the student completed the instruction regarding appropriate interactions with peace officers required under TEC 28.025(b-20). This field is reported for TREx.
Enroll/Withdraw Verified Flag

If applicable, choose the appropriate value to be used for the student on the Enrollment Extract.

Alternative Language Code (e1642)

Select a value if the student is in an alternative language program.

Program-tracked field.

Home Language Survey DateEnter the as of date for the student's Home Language Code.
Dual Language Immersion Year

Select the year number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on) the student has been participating in a Dual Language Immersion program.

Program-tracked field.

Dual Language Immersion Code

Select the language the student is learning in the Dual Language Immersion program.

Program-tracked field.

Dual Language Met DateEnter the date the student met all completion requirements for the Dual Language Immersion program.
Dual Language Completion YearSelect the school year when the student completed the Dual Language Immersion program.
Bilingual/ESL Funding Code (e1651)

Select the student's language program.

Program-tracked field.

Dyslexia IEP or 504 Plan (e1650)

Select if the student was placed in IEP or 504 plan for dyslexia. Reported as part of the TX-DyslexiaServices Complex Type.

Program-tracked field.

Dyslexia State BOE Program (e1650)

Select if the student was placed in the BOE program for dyslexia. Reported as part of the TX-DyslexiaServices Complex Type.

Program-tracked field.

Dyslexia Mods/Accommodations (e1650)

Select if the student received accommodations for dyslexia. Reported as part of the TX-DyslexiaServices Complex Type.

Program-tracked field.

Dyslexia Risk Code (e1644)

Select a value for the screening results for dyslexia and related disorders required under TEC 38.003(a). Reported only for students in Kindergarten and First Grade. Included in Submissions 1 and 3. (101 record)

Program-tracked field.

Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (e1732)

Select if the student in kindergarten or first grade was not screened for dyslexia or related disorders during the dyslexia screening window. Must be reported for students in kindergarten and first grade who have not been screened for dyslexia or related disorders (DYSLEXIA-RISK-CODE of “03”).

Program-tracked field.

Charter Waitlist Indicator (e1677)

Select if the student is on the waitlist of the charter school campus as of the last Friday in September.

On the Programs page for 146 - PEIMS Demographics (Program), there are three additional fields for the Charter Waitlist submission:

  • For the Charter Waitlist Campus, enter the AskTED Campus ID number of the charter school campus where the student is on a charter waitlist.
  • Select Exclude From Waitlist if the student on a charter waitlist should not be reported in the Charter Waitlist submission.
  • Optionally, enter Charter Waitlist Comments. These do not report to TEA.

Program-tracked field.

ADSY Indicator

This field reports as the Additional Days Program Teacher Indicator Code (e1673), tracks Staff members teaching students eligible for the additional days school year program as described in TEC Sec. 48.0051. The Additional Days Program Participation Indicator Code (e1672) is added to track if ADA-eligible prekindergarten through fifth grade student participates in the additional days school year program as described in TEC Sec. 48.0051.

It displays on the Programs page for 146 - PEIMS Demographics (Program). It also displays on the Staff Date Tracking and Staff Responsibilities pages.

Program-tracked field.

Adult Previous Attendance Indicator (e1660)

Select if an adult student (age 18-25) currently enrolled in a high school equivalency program, dropout recovery school, or other adult education program (under TEC Section 29.259) has or has not attended school in the previous nine months before enrolling.

Program-tracked field.

IBC Reimbursement Indicator (TE132)

Select if a prior or current LEA has received the one-time allowed industry-based certification fee reimbursement for the student. This field is reported for TREx.

Program-tracked field.

SAT/ACT Reimbursement Indicator (TE134)

Select if a prior or current LEA has received the one-time allowed SAT or ACT fee reimbursement for the student. This field is reported for TREx.

Program-tracked field.

Student Portal Access Code

Enter the student's six-character unique Portal Access Code (PAC) assigned by the state. Only authorized users with the security resource (TX-MAINT-ASMTPORTAL) can view or edit the field.

You can use the existing Test Score Import Files (Import Score from File) option with the Student Portal Access Code (SPAC) upload processing in the Run Upload utility to load the Student Portal Access Code from the Assessment Score files. The SPAC file name must be SPACUpload.txt.

Fall Leaver School Year

Select the school year to report the student as a leaver for the Fall 203 Record. The school year only needs to be selected for active students in the current school year to receive special services. When the school year is set to the current year in the download prompt, that active student will be processed as a Fall Leaver. (203 Record)

Prior Bilingual/ESL Summer (e1708)

Select if the student participated in the Bilingual/ESL Summer School program as described in TEC §29.060 and 19 TAC §89.1250. To be eligible for enrollment in the Bilingual/ESL Summer Program, a student must be an Emergent Bilingual (EB) and qualify for admission to kindergarten or first grade at the beginning of the next school year. EB shall be determined by screening students using oral proficiency instruments approved by the Commissioner of Education.

Program-tracked field.

Student Program Type (e1337)

Select a value for the system outlining instructional or non-instructional activities and procedures designed to accomplish a predetermined educational objective or set of objectives or to provide support services to individuals or the community.

Program-tracked field.

Parent Request Retention Indicator (e1729)

Select if an enrolled student was retained at the parent or guardian's request.

Program-tracked field.

General Education Homebound Indicator (e1730)

Select if the student received services through the General Education Homebound program at any time during the current school year. As outlined in the SAAH, the instruction delivered through the GEH Program can be done in person or remotely.

Program-tracked field.

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