PEIMS Student Download Summary
On this page:
Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Download Summary, and then select Student Download Summary.
Use this option to review a student's PEIMS data as it is currently stored in the PEIMS download tables.
The PEIMS Student Download Summary page has a drop-down list for each record type and allows you to view data for each PEIMS submission existing in the download tables. Additionally, you can select View History to see download records for the available record types.
Select the download record and submission to view. From this page, you can edit values to update the download record. The best practice is to correct the source data and then run the download again. When you change any data for a download record, the Override Download and Record Edited checkboxes are automatically selected. If the Override Download checkbox is selected, this record will not be updated if you run the Student Download again.
The record types available for the Students Download Summary are PARCCNP - PARCC Pre-ID Student Personal Needs Profile, PARCCREG - PARCC Pre-ID Student Registration, SERESFAC - Student Residential Facility Association (STUENROLL), SESCHOOL - Student School Association (STUENROLL), SESECTION - Student Section Association (STUENROLL), SPHEARAMP - Student Hearing Amplification (STUPROGRAM), SPSPECED - Student Special Ed Program Association (STUPROGRAM), SPLANAQASM - Student Language Acquisition Assessment (STUPROGRAM), SPLANAQSRV - Student Language Acquisition Service (STUPROGRAM), SPSPED - Student Special Ed Program Association (STUPROGRAM), STCHLDFIND - Student Child Find Association (STUPROGRAM), STU - Student (STUPARENT), STUCRISIS - Student Crisis Impacts, STUINDCERT - Industry Certification (Demographic), STUPARASSC - Student Parent Association (STUPARENT), STUPARENT - Parent (STUPARENT), STUPRGASSC - Student Program Association (STUPROGRAM), STUTRUANT - Student Truancy, TX_100 - Identification (100), TX_101 - Demographic (101), TX_102 - UniqueID (102), TX_105 - Student ID Change (105), TX_110 - Enrollment (110), TX_163 - Special Ed Program (163), TX_169 - Career and Tech Program (169), TX_170 - Career and Tech Course (170), TX_203 - School Leaver (203), TX_400 - Attendance (400), TX_405 - Special Ed Attendance (405), TX_407 - Extended Year Program (407), TX_408 - Extended Year Services (408), TX_410 - Vocational Attendance (410), TX_415 - Course Completion (415), TX_425 - Discipline (425), TX_435 - Restraint (435), TX_461 - Title I Part A Program (461), TX_500 - OFSDP Attendance (500), TX_505 - OFSDP Special Ed Attendance (505), and TX_510 - OFSDP Vocational Attendance (510).
The PEIMS Restraint-related (TX_435) records can be downloaded for the Summer Submission with the Non-Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator Code (discipline incident or restraint event being reported for a special education student enrolled but not in membership) field when the Instructional Setting Code and Primary Disability Code fields are removed.
You can download the records for bullying and cyberbullying flagged incidents.
The Bullying Incident count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61.
The Cyberbullying count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
To view student download records
- Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Download Summary, and then select Student Download Summary.
- Search for the students for whom you want to review download records.
- Choose the download record you want to display from the Record Type drop-down list.
- On the Student Summary page, select the submission year you want to view from View Type drop-down list. To view all download data for the student, select View History. Note that the list of possible submissions includes submissions for which this student may not have data.
- Click the Open in New Window icon in the Details column to view the selected record in a separate window. This option is available for each record.
- To display other students from your search, click the left (Next) and right (Previous) arrows next to the student's name in the top left corner of the page. After you have clicked the right arrow (Next), the left arrow (Previous) button will be enabled so you can navigate forward and backward through the list of students.
To edit student download records
Recommendation is that you make changes to the source data and run the download option if you need to correct data.
- Display the student, submission, and download record you want to edit. Refer to the To view student download records procedure for more information.
- Click the Select Edit Mode button.
- Change data as required. Make sure that the data you enter is valid as defined by the state. This page does not validate data. Note that these changes will not show until the download is run again.
- Select the Override Download checkbox if the Course/Staff/Student Download option should not rebuild the record. No fields in this record will be updated by the Course/Staff/Student Download option. Note that if an administrator chooses to delete overrides for a submission when running the Student/Course Download, the record will be overwritten.
- Click Save. When you edit records, the Record Edited checkbox is selected automatically.
To add a record
You must be in View Mode to add a new record. This is the default view.
- Display the student, submission, and download record you want to add. Refer to the To view student download records procedure for more information.
- If you are in Edit Mode, click the Select View Mode button.
- Add a new record for the student in the Insert New Row section that displays above the existing download records. Note that new records are added in View Mode and existing records are edited and deleted using Edit Mode.
- Select the Override Download checkbox if the Course/Staff/Student Download option should not rebuild the record. No fields in this record will be updated by the Course/Staff/Student Download option. Note that if an administrator chooses to delete overrides for a submission when running the Student/Course Download, the record will be overwritten.
- Click Save. When you add records, the Record Edited checkbox is selected automatically.
To delete a record
- Display the student, submission, and download record you want to delete. Refer to the To view student download records procedure for more information.
- Click the Select Edit Mode button.
- Select the Delete checkbox present at the end of the row for a record.
- Click Save.