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Create Staff Download Records

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This option will create the 090 download record for the fall submission and the 305 download records for the summer submission.

A record is created for each course and staff where the course has:

  • a State ID for a state course valid for 415 records,
  • has a student attached during the year, and
  • includes staff with a Role ID of 047 or 087. 

Additionally, the section must have no value or a code of 00 (for not applicable) for the Non-Campus Based instruction code as any other value indicates was not taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher or was taught by a school district or charter school employee or a contracted teacher at a facility other than the campus where the student is enrolled. The only exception is for non-campus based CTE course where it is valid to report a Non-Campus Based Instruction code other than 00. Refer to Report 305 Records for Non-Campus-Based CTE Courses for more information on this scenario.

Records are created for each staff assigned to the course during the date range of a sequence defined for the course in the PEIMS Course screen and where a semester can be found for the course.  The same logic used for the Course Download to determine sequence is also used for the Staff Download.

To run the Staff Download

For a list of the options that should be run prior to a submission, refer to the appropriate checklist.

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Downloads, and then select Course/Staff/Student Download. You must select Staff as Download Type.
  2. On the PEIMS Staff Download page, specify how you want to process the download. For more information, refer to the Fields table.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Check the log file for errors.

Download Type

Select Staff to create the staff download records.

Submission Period

Select the submission period (1 - Fall, 3 - Summer, or 4 - Extended Year) you want to process.  

School Year

Enter the last year of the school year you want to process.

Run Date

Not used

Process Type

Select whether you want to create download records or scan for errors. 

  • To create download records, select Download.
  • To scan data for errors, select Error Scan.

Skip Error Logging

Check this box if you want to download data without logging errors.

Clear Existing Records

Checked if you want to purge staff download records and create new records for staff members. If this box is not checked, the program will not generate a new download record for a staff member with an existing record.

Task/Report NameIf you want to rename the task and report file, change the text that displays in this field. If you use the / (slash) character, _ (underscore) will be used in the task and report name.
Record Types to ProcessSeries of checkboxes to select the download records you want to process. When you select a submission, the system defaults to process all record types for that are reported for a submission. For a list of the records reported for a submission, refer to PEIMS Records by Submission.

Staff Download Sequence Examples

The following table shows the 305 records that will be created based on your Course setup.


PEIMS Course –Sequence


Pass/Fail Setup Mark Types

305 Records Created

Year Long High School Course

12 (Both Halves Of A 2 Semester Course)

One primary staff

A mark type defined as a Sem Mark Type for the building is issued for this course during marking periods 2 and 4

2 records created, one for sequence 1 and one for sequence 2.  Both for the same staff.

Year Long High School Course

0 (1 Semester Course)

Two different primary staff through the course of the year

A mark type defined as a Sem Mark Type for the building is issued for this course during marking period 2

2 record created, both using sequence 0, one for each of the two primary staff, with date ranges for each staff.

Semester Long High School Course (part of a state course)

1 (1st Half Of A 2 Semester Course)

One primary staff, one secondary staff

A mark type defined as a Sem Mark Type for the building is issued for this course during marking period 2

2 records created, both using sequence 1, one for each staff Note that there should be another course defined for the same State Course with Sequence 2.

Non-High School Course

A  (Non-High School Year Long Course)

One primary staff

A mark type defined as the Final Mark type for the building is issued once for the course (probably at the end of the year).

1 record created, using sequence A and for the primary staff.

Non-High School Course

12 (Both Halves Of A 2 Semester Course)

One primary staff

A mark type defined as the Final Mark type for the building is issued once for the course (probably at the end of the year).

1 record is created (regardless of the Course Sequence), using sequence A and for the primary staff.

305 Records for Courses Outside Enrollment Building

The Staff Download has special processing in place to handle a student's course taken outside his or her enrollment (Entry/Withdrawal) building.  When it finds a student course in this case, the download creates the 305 record with a Campus ID set as the student's enrollment building, rather than the building where the course is held.  

This gives the student's enrollment building a 305 record which can be reconciled with the 300 Course record.

Locking and Unlocking Class IDs

To lock or unlock Class IDs, click Additional options on the Download Options section's title board, then select Lock Class IDs or Unlock Class IDs. Use these options with caution. Locking Class IDs should be completed after you have finished all resubmissions of your Fall submission or before you begin any Summer submission processing.

The Lock Class IDs option will select the Class ID Locked checkbox on the PEIMS Course page for all the current school year courses which have a Class ID assigned. This will ensure that the Class IDs will not be cleared when you select the Clear Class IDs option.

If you accidentally select Lock Class IDs before you should you can select the Unlock Class IDs option. This will clear the Class ID Locked checkbox on the PEIMS Course page for all current school year courses.

Generating and Clearing Class IDs

As part of their processing, the Staff and Course Downloads generate and assign Class IDs for courses. The IDs are displayed on the PEIMS Course district-defined course page, and they are generated when the download processes a course with its Class ID field either blank or set to a value of AUTO. 

A unique Class ID is assigned to each key combination of the following fields:  Building, Staff ID, Periods (from Master Schedule session), Cycles (from Master Schedule session), Sequence, State Course ID, and Non-Campus Based Instruction Code. Multiple course-sections may have the same Class ID if they share the same key field combination.

After you have Class IDs assigned to courses, if you need to run the Staff and Course Downloads to create records again before your submission is finalized and you are uncertain if scheduling changes are still taking place, it is a good idea to click Clear Class IDs prior to running the download. This allows the download to correctly reassign unique IDs to all course-sections that did not otherwise have the Class ID Locked box checked on the PEIMS Course page.

Additional Information

The Staff Responsibilities (090) download for the 4-Extended Year submission period and Staff download type is enabled on the Course/Staff/Student download page. This download will process staff that have an ADSY indicator selected on the Staff Date Tracking or Staff Responsibilities pages.

The Staff Responsibilities (090) download will output a warning to the task logs for Staff with a non-null Grade value that does not match the grade levels specified in the Building Definition after an add error scan.

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