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Course Download Summary

On this page:

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Download Summary, and then select Course Download Summary.

Use this option to review the 300 records as currently stored in the PEIMS download tables.

You can also edit data using this option. The Select Edit Mode button allows you to change values and to set the Override Download so the Course Download does not update the modified record.  After you have finished editing data, you can click the Select View Mode button to return to the summary view of data.

When viewed from the Course Catalog, PEIMS Course Download Summary page displays information for all sections of a course for a particular submission or a history of all records for all sections of the course.  Viewing the Course Download Summary from the Master Schedule will only show you the information for the current school year's Summer submission.

The record types available for the Course Download Summary are EOCOURSE - Course (EDORG), MSCOURSE - Course Offering (MS), MSSECTION - Section (MS), TX_300 - Campus-Course Section (300), and TX_305 - Staff-Teacher Assignments (305).

Viewing PEIMS Data

You can display the PEIMS Course download information based on the combination of School Year and PEIMS Submission Type. 

In the Record Type drop-down list, select the submission for which you want to view data for the Course. The list includes each submission for which download records exist for any staff member. The list of submissions includes the school year and the number for the submission.

If viewing this information from the Building Course Catalog, use the View History option from the View Type drop-down list to view a listing of the staff member's PEIMS data for all school years and submissions in the download tables. 

To view download records

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Download Summary, and then select Course Download Summary.
  2. Select the Record Type for which you want to review download records.
  3. Select the submission year you want to view from View Type drop-down list. To view all download data for the course-section, select View History. Note that the list of possible submissions includes submissions for which this course-section may not have data.
  4. Click the Open in New Window icon in the Details column to view the selected record in a separate window. This option is available for each record.

To edit download records

Recommendation is that you make changes to the source data and run the Course/Staff/Student Download option if you need to correct data. 

  1. Display the course-section record type and submission year you want to edit. Refer to the To view download records procedure for more information.
  2. Click the Select Edit Mode button.
  3. Change data as required. This page does not validate data. Note that these changes will not show until the Download is run again.
  4. Select the Override Download checkbox if the Course/Staff/Student Download option should not rebuild the record. No fields in this record will be updated by the Course/Staff/Student Download option. Note that if an administrator chooses to delete overrides for a submission when running the Student/Course Download, the record will be overwritten.
  5. Click Save. When you edit records, the Record Edited checkbox is selected automatically.

To add a record

You must be in View Mode to add a new record. This is the default view.

  1. If you are in Edit Mode, click the Select View Mode button.
  2. Add the new record for the student in the Insert New Row section that displays above the existing download records. Note that new records are added in View Mode and existing records are edited and deleted using Edit Mode.
  3. Select the Override Download checkbox if the Course/Staff/Student Download option should not rebuild the record. No fields in this record will be updated by the Course/Staff/Student Download option. Note that if an administrator chooses to delete overrides for a submission when running the Student/Course Download, the record will be overwritten.
  4. Click Save. When you add records, the Record Edited checkbox is selected automatically.

To delete a record

  1. Click the Select Edit Mode button.
  2. Select the Delete box present at the end of the row for a record.
  3. Click Save

Additional Information

The TSDS Course (EDORG) extract processing to include course offerings that were entered by users even if the courses are outside the Master Schedule in eSchoolPlus.

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