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Child Find Submission Processing

The TSDS Child Find Collection is used to record the Timely Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Determination (SPPI-11) and Early Childhood Transition (SPPI-12) data into one collection related to special education services for Student Enrollment, Student Parent, and Student Program Interchanges for School year 2021-2022 and onwards

  • SPPI-11: Refers to the timely evaluation of students, ages 3 through 21, for special education services under Part B of IDEA.

  • SPPI-12: Refers to children who are referred from Part C of IDEA prior to age 3, found eligible for Part B of IDEA, and have an individualized education plan (IEP) developed and implemented by their third birthday to receive early childhood special education (ECSE) services from a local education agency (LEA).

Both SPPI-11 and SPPI-12 compliance indicators and data must be included to meet Federal reporting requirements related to special education Child Find activities.

The sections that follow explain how to create the download records for this submission and run the extract to generate the XML complex types.

Download Processing

  1. Select Regulatory from main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Downloads, and then select TSDS Download
  2. In the Download Options panel, specify the required fields from the following.

    Download Type

    Select All. You can select Student to filter only the Student information.

    Building ListSelect the buildings.
    School YearSelect the school year.

    Select CH - Child Find.

    View TypeSelect the view type (State - State) for the PEIMS report generation.
    Absence Code(s)

    Select the absence codes to be included in the PEIMS report generation. 

    The absence code would be the normal State absence code unless you have special absence code to track absences for Child Find students between the date the district receives parental permission for evaluation and the date of evaluation.

    Clear All Existing Download DataSelect to clear the existing downloaded data in the application.
    Pre-ScanSelect to verify your district's data before creating download records. These pre-scan rules check for missing or incorrect data that is needed for a download to process correctly.
    Run DownloadSelect to run the download process and insert records into the selected download tables.
    Post-ScanSelect to verify the data inserted into a single download table and make sure it adheres to the state rules.
    Cross-ValidationSelect to cross-validate data across multiple download tables.
    Run RangeSelect the date range for the download. The download will include all data within the selected dates.
    Task/Report NameEnter a name for the download.
    Select AllSelect to select all applicable Download Prompts.
  3. Specify the additional processing options in the Download Prompts panel. Refer to the Download/Extract Prompts for more information.
  4. Click Run.
  5. To view task status and retrieve reports, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. 

Extract Processing

  1. Select Regulatory from main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Downloads, and then select TSDS Extract.
  2. In the Extract Options panel, specify the following required fields. 

    Extract Type

    Select All. You can select Student to filter only the Student information.

    Building ListSelect the buildings.
    School YearSelect the school year.

    Select CH - Child Find.

    Task/Report NameEnter a name for the extract.
    Select AllCheck to select all applicable Extract Prompts.
  3. Specify the additional processing options in the Extract Prompts panel. Refer to the Download/Extract Prompts for more information.
  4. Click Run.
  5. To locate the file, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The file will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Recent Reports panel. Save it to your local machine.

Download/Extract Prompts

This section describes the complex types used for Child Find Processing, and any special conditions that apply.

Calendar (EDORG)
Local Education Agency (EDORG)Reports your main LEA's information; this is your district record that is not validation-only. For programs offered by the district, the download uses the following Texas State Reporting validation table: Student Program Type.
Reporting Period (EDORG)
School (EDORG)Reports the buildings you choose from the Building List. To be reported, a building needs its State Equivalency Code defined (Building Definition).
Student (STUPARENT)Reports students in the processed buildings. This does not include preregistered students (Current Year Status of P on the Registration page). The download checks to make sure the student is enrolled in the building based on Entry/Withdrawal for the School Year and Run Date.
Student School Association (STUENROLL)Reports student building enrollment based on the Building List prompt. Students need to be enrolled in the Entry/Withdrawal building as of the prompted Run Date.
Student Special Ed Program Association (STUPROGRAM)

Reports students who are less than 3 years old as of September 1 of the current year and who have a current Special Education (SPED) program record with and Early Childhood Intervention program. This report helps TEA to determine if an infant or toddler, from birth through age 2, is participating in the early childhood intervention program, and the day the student started to receive those services. This extension is not used for all other students.

Refer to the Special Ed Program section for more information on how Special Ed Program data is reported.

Student Child Find Association (STUPROGRAM)

(Applicable only when the submission type is CH - Child Find in both TSDS Download and TSDS Extract).

  • Students who are age 21 or younger as of September 1 of the current school year.
  • Students must have the SPED Eligibility Determination Date that falls on or between July 1 and June 30 of the current school year. The Entry Date of the Child Find record may be in a prior school year or the current school year.
  • Students must be enrolled in a regular, reportable campus in the district to be reported with a record in the Student Enrollment Interchange (that is, StudentSchoolAssociationExtension data).
  • Unenrolled students must have an Entry/Withdrawal record in the askTEDS building they would have attended had they enrolled in your LEA. The unenrolled student Entry/Withdrawal record should have the entry and withdrawal date same as a no-show student. The entry/withdrawal date should fall within the Date Range used to run the Child Find download.
  • Holdover Students whose parental consent was obtained in the prior school year and the evaluation/eligibility process was completed in the current school year where SPED Eligibility Determination Date is in the current school year will be having the Child Find Entry Date in the prior year.
  • For download processing, Students must have a Determination Date set on the TSDS Child Find page and this date is between the Run Range on the TSDS Download page. 

Refer to the TSDS Child Find section for more information on how Child Find data is reported.

Additional Download Processing

The Special Education Program record is not part of the prerequisites. Students having a SPED Eligibility Determination Code of NO or zero will not have a SPED record.

For Cross Validation, a student reported by the LEA for the Child Find submission, must have Student Child Find Association data and enrollment (Student School Association) data with a matching Unique Student ID.

For Post Scan, a student being reported for the Child Find submission, Student ID must not be blank.

For non-membership calendars to be reported for the Child Find submission, calendars with State Code Equiv value 99, even if they have membership value 0 and (or) default membership value 0 will be included for the Calendar Date and Reporting Period extensions.

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