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TSDS Child Find

Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student District Defined, and then select TSDS Child Find.

The TSDS Child Find Collection records the Timely Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Determination (SPPI-11) and Early Childhood Transition (SPPI-12) data into one collection of special education services for Student Enrollment, Student Parent, and Student Program Interchanges.

The Child Find record collects data for two State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicators in TSDS:

  • SPPI-11: Refers to the timely evaluation of students, ages 3 through 21, for special education services under Part B of IDEA.

  • SPPI-12: Refers to children who meet the following criteria:

    • Referred from Part C of IDEA before age three.

    • Eligible for Part B of IDEA.

    • Have an individualized education plan (IEP) developed and implemented by their third birthday to receive early childhood special education (ECSE) services from a local education agency (LEA).

Child Find records are required for any student who completes the special education evaluation process with an eligibility determination date from July 1 through June 30 of a given school year. The records include holdover students who began the evaluation process in the previous school year but did not complete it until the current school year. They may also include non-enrolled students such as homeschooled students, private school students, or children who received Early Childhood Intervention services through another state agency.

You must include the SPPI-11 and SPPI-12 compliance indicators to meet federal reporting requirements for special education Child Find activities.


  • Students must be 21 or younger as of September 1 of the current school year.
  • Students must have the SPED Eligibility Determination Date that falls on or between July 1 and June 30 of the current school year. The entry date of the Child Find record can be in the previous or current school year.
  • Students must be enrolled in a reportable campus in the district with a record in the Student Enrollment Interchange (that is, StudentSchoolAssociationExtension data).

  • Unenrolled students must have an Entry/Withdrawal record in the askTEDS building they would have attended if enrolled in your LEA. The entry and withdrawal date should be the same as a no-show student and within the date range used to run the Child Find download.

  • If a student has an ECI Notification Date and ECI Transition Conference Date entered on the TSDS Child Find page, they should have an EC Intervention Indicator entered on the District Defined PEIMS Special Education page. The start date for the EC Intervention Indicator field is reported as the TXEffectiveDateServices in the StudentChildFinadAssociationExtension file.
  • Holdover students with parental consent from the previous school year and the evaluation process completed where SPED Eligibility Determination Date is in the current school year will have the Child Find Entry Date in the prior year.
  • Child Find processing will only retrieve students with a Determination Date (corresponding to the SPED Eligibility Determination Date) populated in the TSDS Child Find page where that date falls within the Run Range being used to run the Child Find download in eSchoolPlus. The Special Education Program record is not part of the prerequisites.


Original ECI Services Date (E1737)Enter or select the month, date, and year (ORIGINAL-ECI-SERVICES-DATEwhen an infant or toddler, from birth through age 2, became eligible to participate in the early childhood intervention program.

ECI Notification Date (E1712)

Enter or select the date (ECI-NOTIFICATION-DATE) the early childhood intervention (ECI) contractor sent the LEA Notification of Potentially Eligible for Special Education Services to the LEA to notify them a child in ECI will soon be eligible for Part B services and is potentially eligible for ECSE services.

The LEA Notification constitutes a referral to the LEA for an initial evaluation and eligibility determination of the child. The parent may opt out of the referral.

ECI Transition Conference Date (E1713)

Enter or select the date (ECI-TRANSITION-CONFERENCE-DATE) when the transition conference was held for a child receiving ECI services among the lead agency, the family, and the LEA to discuss potential eligibility for ECSE services.

The Early Childhood transition complex type reports only if the ECI Notification Date and the ECI Transitional Conference Date fields have data.

Consent To Evaluation Received Date (E1738)

Enter or select the month, day, and year (CONSENT-TO-EVALUATION-RECEIVED-DATE) the Local Education Agency (LEA) received written consent for the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) from the student's parent.

Consent To Evaluation Received Date Override

Enter or select the override day for the Consent To Evaluation Received DateThis override is intended for special scenarios only where the Calculated Consent To Evaluation Received Date needs to be adjusted.
Use the override for this identified scenario: parental consent is obtained during the summer and the initial evaluation is also completed during the summer. TEA now advises that the Consent To Evaluation Received Date should be backdated and reported as the last instructional day of the school year that has just ended.

Initial Evaluation Date (E1715)

Enter or select the date (INITIAL-EVALUATION-DATE) when the written FIIE report was completed.

This data element indicates the start of the 30 calendar day timeframe for completing the initial eligibility determination by holding the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting to make an eligibility determination and admit a student into special education.

The Child Find download populates the Campus ID (E1710) with the building state code equivalent value of the non-summer Entry/Withdrawal building based on the Initial Evaluation (E1715) in the following priority:

  1. Entry/Withdrawal overlapping with Initial Evaluation (E1715)

  2. Most recent Entry/Withdrawal before Initial Evaluation (E1715)

  3. First Entry/Withdrawal after Initial Evaluation (E1715)

Determination Date (E1716)

Enter or select the date (SPED-ELIGIBILITY-DETERMINATION-DATE) the LEA held the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting regarding the initial eligibility determination for special education and related services. An individualized education plan (IEP) is created and implemented for a child admitted into special education on this same date.

Special Ed Determined (E1717)

Select if the student is eligible and enrolled in special education and related services due to the FIIE report and the ARD committee meeting decision.


Evaluation Delay Reason (E1718)

Choose why the written FIIE report was completed beyond the state-established timeframe (45 instructional days) for SPPI-11 or why a child receiving ECI services had eligibility for ECSE determined beyond their third birthday for SPPI-12.

For SPPI-11, exceptions to the timeframe depend on the number of instructional days left in the year after parental consent and the number of student absences.

The Evaluation Delay complex type reports only if this field has data.

Eligibility Delay Reason (E1731)

Choose why the eligibility determination was completed beyond the required timeframe.

  • For SPPI-11, the required timeframe is 30 calendar days from the date of the completed FIIE.
  • For SPPI-12, the required timeframe is by the third birthday for a child receiving ECI services.
ECI Start Date

Enter or select the EC Intervention Indicator start date.

Child Find Student Interchanges

The Child Find records report through the following Interchanges using the applicable extension:

  • Student Interchange: Students report using the StudentExtension.

  • Education Organization Interchange: Students report using the ReportingPeriodExtension.
  • Student Enrollment Interchange: Students report using the StudentSchoolAssociationExtension.

  • For students enrolled in a regular, reportable campus:

    • The Campus ID is the school of enrollment as of the SPED Eligibility Determination Date in the Child Find record.

    • The Entry Grade Level is the grade level from this enrollment record.

      • Grade -3 or below: Early Education.

      • Grade -2 or -1: Preschool/Prekindergarten.

      • Grade 0: Kindergarten.

      • Grade 1-12: First through twelfth grade.

  • For students enrolled in a non-reportable campus, the No Student School Association record reports and excludes the student from the Student Enrollment Interchange.

  • Student Program Interchange: Students report using the applicable extension:

    • StudentProgramExtension: Students report per the prerequisites for the Student Parent and Student Enrollment Interchanges along with Student UID, Program Reference/Type = Special Education, and the District ID.
    • StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension: Used only for students who are less than three years old as of September 1 of the current year and who have a current SPED special program record with and Early Childhood Intervention program. This report helps the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to determine if an infant or toddler, from birth through age two, is participating in the early childhood intervention program and the day the student started to receive those services.

    • StudentChildFindAssociationExtension: Used to only report the TSDS Child Find collection for all Child Find students meeting the prerequisites.

Additional Information

The Child Find Collection uses the CalendarDateExtension for students referred for a Special Education evaluation, for students under the age three who currently receive ECI services and are evaluated for eligibility for ECSE services, also known as Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) after they turn 3. The TEA calculates the instructional days required to complete the student’s evaluation after the LEA receives consent. The number of instructional days left in the school year from the first instructional day after obtaining parental consent. Additionally, for students reporting a parental consent date in one school year and a determination date in a different school year, Child Find uses the student’s first and fifteenth days of school from the CalendarDateExtension (current) to calculate Federal compliance information.

For non-membership calendars to report for the Child Find submission, calendars with State Code Equiv value = 99 (even if they have membership value or default membership value = 0) are included for the Calendar Date and Reporting Period extensions.

The Student School Association (STUENROLL) download for the Child Find submission creates only one record per student (with the most recent grade) per building.

If the Effective Date (of Services) is not reported or is less than 90 days before the student’s third birthday, and if the Student Child Find Association data is reported, the Evaluation Delay Reason must not be 08 and the Eligibility Delay Reason must not be 08.

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