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Career Planner Worksheet

The Career Plan Worksheet has been modified for Texas sites. Additional fields have been added to the processing prompts so you can select the data to print to condense the report and credit totals have been modified. 

For each subject area, the report includes Attempted and Earned credit columns.

  • Attempted credits display the attempted credit total for the current year courses that are in progress (but not completed) and future year requests.
  • Earned credits display the earned credit total for any courses completed in prior years or the current year.

The following option enables printing the worksheet for multiple students:

Menu path: Select Scheduling, Student Schedules, Post-Scheduler Reports, and then choose Career Plan Worksheet.

The following option prints the worksheet for a selected student:

Menu path: Select Scheduling, Student Schedules, Student, and then choose Career Plan. Click Additional Options and then select Print Worksheet

The following fields, which are available with both options, allow you to control the type of information that prints on the Career Plan Worksheet.

Counselor InfoChecked if the report should print the staff ID and name of the student's counselor in the header.
Address InfoChecked if the report should print the student's physical address in the header.

Testing Info

Checked if the report should print the Testing Information section. If you do not track test results in Career Planner, leave the box unchecked.

Note that for the report to show a student's test results, the enrollment building's Worksheet Career Plan View needs the appropriate test scores defined on the Tests panel.

Grade History

Checked if the report should print the student's completed, in progress, and requested courses along with the subject areas where course credit applies. The report shows this breakdown within the Foundation High School Program and the student's Endorsement areas.

If you want the Worksheet to print on a single page with summarized subject area credit information, leave this box unchecked. The report shows the student's overall credit progress by subject area for the Foundation High School Program and any Endorsement areas.

Note: If you are running the report from the Reports menu and you want to print the Grade History, make sure the Include Subject Area Details box is also checked.

Sort Grade History By Subject

Checked if the report's Grade History section should group the student's courses based on the subject area where credit applies. Otherwise the report groups courses based on the student's grade level.

Important: If you are running the report from the Scheduling Center's Reports menu and you want to print the Grade History, make sure the Include Subject Area Details box is also checked.

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