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Career Planner Procedures

Some of the options available have been customized for Texas sites and are not part of the base Career Planner application.


You must use the District Course Catalog if your district has more than one high school.

Define Career Plans

  1. Add the Career Plan Building Configuration for each building where students will be enrolled when they have a career plan.
  2. Define the Requirement Groups for the FHSP, FHSP with endorsements, and endorsements offered at your district:


    Required Values

    Foundation (without endorsements)

    Grad or Supp field: G (Graduation Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: FD

    Foundation with endorsements

    Grad or Supp field: G (Graduation Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: FD

    Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

    STEM-related endorsement categories

    Grad or Supp field: S (Supplementary Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: ST

    Business and Industry

    Business and Industry endorsement categories

    Grad or Supp field: S (Supplementary Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: BI

    Arts and Humanities

    Arts and Humanities endorsement categories

    Grad or Supp field: S (Supplementary Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: AH

    Public Service

    Public Service endorsement categories

    Grad or Supp field: S (Supplementary Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: PS

    Multi-Disciplinary Studies

    Multi-Disciplinary Studies endorsement categories

    Grad or Supp field: S (Supplementary Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: MS

    Distinguished Level of Achievement

    Grad or Supp field: S (Supplementary Requirement Group)

    State Code Equiv field: DLA

  3. Define the subject areas (or disciplines) required for the FHSP and endorsements offered at your district in the Graduation Requirements validation table. Navigate to the Validation Tables page. Select Mark Reporting for Applications, then choose Graduation Requirements Area for Validation Table.

    If your district offers endorsement categories, each category must have a unique subject area. For example, if you offered all Business and Industry categories, you would define the following subject areas:

    BIBM – Business Management
    BIFS – Financial Services
    BISM – Sales and Marketing
    BIIT – Information Technology
    BIMT – Media Technology

    BIHF – Horticultural and Floral Design
    BIAG – AG Science Pre-Vet
    BIAM – Agricultural Mechanics
    BIAS – Animal Science
    BIAT – Aviation Technology

  4. Associate subject areas with courses in the District Course Catalog. A course can have multiple subject areas. The subject areas determine where Career Planner displays the course for entering requests and determining if a course fulfills a specific requirement.

    If you use the Course Catalog Mass Update to add courses, you must update the course records where building = - 1 (district courses) and all other buildings that have the course.

    Changes in the District Course Catalog only reflect in the Building Course Catalog when you update the course using the District Course Catalog page.

  5. Navigate to the Graduation Requirements Setup page. Define the graduation requirement details for your plans and endorsements.
    • To define the requirements for a plan or endorsement, add a Graduation Requirement Setup for the plan or endorsement. Select the required subject areas and specify the credit requirements. Select Career Plan and select the Career Plan Grades.
    • Define the setups for each graduating class year.
    • Optionally, you can define suggested or required courses for subject areas by grade.
    • Use the Copy option to copy requirements to another plan or endorsement.
  6. Navigate to the Career Plan View Setup page. Define setups to indicate how to display career plans on the page and in the worksheet report. For each graduation year, define setups for the Online Career Plan and Worksheet Career Plan.
  7. To allow requests to be entered for career plans in the Home Access Center, navigate to the HAC Building Configuration page:
    1. In the Request Entry section, select the Career Planner and course request fields.
    2. If you want guardians and students to provide a digital signature for the career plan, select Show Digital Signature. Then enter text in the Accept Button Text and Digital Signature fields.

Assign the FHSP plan, Endorsements, and Endorsement Categories to students

Career plans are assigned to students on the Academic page (menu path: select Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, and then choose Academic.)

  • In the Requirement Group field, select the Foundation or Foundation with Endorsements plan.
  • In the Supplemental Requirement Groups field, select the applicable plans for the endorsements, endorsement categories, and Distinguished Level of Achievement.

Several options are available to help you assign the supplemental requirement groups to students.

  • To mass assign a supplemental requirement group to many students, select Utilities and then choose Generate Supplemental Requirement Groups option. Select the supplemental requirement group to assign, specify the filter, and click Run.
  • To model career plans to see if there are supplemental requirement groups that you should add for a student based on completed and scheduled courses (menu path: select Scheduling, Student Schedules, Student, and then choose Career Plan) and model the possible endorsements. After you model plans, you can review the results and determine whether a plan should be added for the student. Refer to the online help for more information on modeling career plans.
  • To model career plans for many students and add all supplemental requirement groups that are modeled as complete (menu path: select Regulatory, Utilities, Utilities, and then choose HB5 Batch Model Process.)

Manage Student Career Plans

  1. If the building is set up to allow request entry for career plans in Home Access Center (HAC), then guardians or students enter requests using the Career Plan page in HAC. Additionally, guardians and students can also digitally sign their career plans if the building set up HAC to show the digital signature for career plans.
  2. To enter requests in eSchoolPlus using the student's career plan (menu path: select Scheduling, Student Schedules, Student, and then choose Career Plan.)
  3. To calculate a student's progress for career plans based on requested, scheduled, and completed courses, select Mark Reporting > Utilities > Calculations > Graduation Requirements Calculation.
  4. To print a student's career plan (menu path: select Scheduling, Student Schedules, Post-Scheduler Reports, and then choose Career Plan Worksheet.)
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