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SSP Plan Detail Page

Use this page to view and update details of student's student success plan or create a new student success plan (SSP) for a student.

Create Student Success Plans
Delete Student Success Plans

The SSP Plan Detail page includes sections named Plan Information, Reasons, Student Goals, Parent Goals, and Interventions.

If you are adding a plan, you must select a reason before you can enter plan information in this section.

Plan Manager

Name of the staff member responsible for adding, administering, and tracking the student's student success plan.

If the login ID you use is assigned to multiple staff members, use the (Not You?) link if the teacher information displayed is not your information. Select your staff record on the Teacher Chooser window. Click Ok to keep your selection and close the window.

Plan Date

Date the plan was created or started. You cannot update the plan date for the existing plan.


Check to indicate that the plan contains sensitive information. Only the users who are allowed to view sensitive information can see the plan.


Text describing the need for assigning the plan to the student. This field is limited to 4,000 characters.

Completion Notes

Text describing steps to be taken to complete the success plan. This field is limited to 4,000 characters.

Other Information Fields

If there are district-defined fields for the plan that are associated with a plan type, the fields will display in this section.

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