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Run the Gradebook Score Threshold Report

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Use this procedure to run the gradebook Score Threshold report. This report allows you to create a list of students who are performing poorly or performing well based on a specified threshold. The report lists the student ID, name, and score or percentage correct for students who meet the threshold criteria you select.

The Score Threshold report is only available in Single class mode.

You can select to display students who have a value that is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to a specified threshold value.

You can generate a list of students based on:

  • a score for a selected assignment on the Gradebook page,
  • a percentage score for an assignment you selected on the Gradebook page, or
  • a percentage score for the category, mark, or competency selected in the Gradebook Categories and Marks or Competencies and Marks filters.

You can choose to run the report for the Selected Assignment or for the current Filter Selection. If you run this report in SBGB Detail mode, only the Selected Assignment option is available.

Run the Score Threshold report

  1. From Gradebook, click Entry to display the Gradebook Entry page.
  2. If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
  3. If you want to run the report for a specific category or mark, click
     on the mode selector
     to select GB Entry mode.
    • Select the category or mark from the Categories and Marks filter.
  4. If you want to run the report for a specific competency, click
     from the Gradebook mode selector
     to enter SBGB Detail mode, and select the competency and mark from the Competencies and Marks filter.
  5. Select Actions/Reports > Score Threshold to display the Score Threshold Report Options pop-up window.
  6. Specify the information that you want to include on the report. Refer to the Report Options section below for more information.
  7. Click Run. The report will open. You can then view, print, or save to your computer. Additionally, the PDF file is saved automatically to your report directory and can be accessed from the Home page.



Click to open the save settings menu.

Report Options

Run For

When you run this report in Gradebook Entry mode, you can select whether you want to compare the threshold to the score for a Selected Assignment or to the Filter Selection (the current selection in the Categories and Marks filter).

Note: In Gradebook Entry mode, the Selected Assignment option is available only when you clicked (selected) an assignment score in the gradebook prior to running the report

When you run this report in the SBGB Detail mode, only the Selected Assignment option is available.

Score Threshold

Select the operator you want to use to compare the threshold. Next, specify the threshold value and indicate whether the threshold should be compared to the score or the score's percentage. If you have selected Filter Selection, you can only select percentage.

Start Date

If you selected Filter Selection, enter the due date of the first assignment you want to include. The first date of the marking period is the default.

End Date

If you selected a category or mark that includes multiple assignments, enter the due date of the last assignment you want to include. If you selected a category, a report card mark, or All Categories, the last date of the marking period defaults. If you selected an IPR mark, the IPR date defaults.

Show Withdrawn Students

This field always displays None.

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