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Override Category and Mark Averages in Gradebook

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Use this procedure to override category and mark averages in the gradebook. If your building administrator has enabled teachers to override the averages in Gradebook, you can change the system-calculated averages for categories and marks. When you change the average, you are overriding system calculations. Averages that have been overridden display in bold on the Gradebook page.

Effect of Overriding the Mark Average

If you change the average for an IPR or report card mark, the mark that is loaded from Gradebook will be based on the overridden value that you entered. For example, you may change an average from 64.49 to 65.00 for a marking period to yield an overall passing grade for a student.

We recommend that you do not override the average for a mark until you are ready to load marks from Gradebook. If additional scores are entered for the student after you override an average, the student's average will remain at its overridden value and will not include these scores or points.

Effect of Overriding the Category Average

If you change the average for a category, the average you enter will be used when calculating the marks that include the category. For example, if the student's quiz category average is 48.99 and you change the student's quiz average to 50, then the calculation of marks that include the quiz category will use 50 instead of 48.99. 

When you change the average for a category, you are overriding the system-calculated average. We recommend that you only override averages at the end of the marking period. Additionally, if you load grades for a mark that is calculated based on assignments for the semester or year to date, we recommend that you override the average for the mark, not the average for the categories included in the mark.

Note: You cannot override the average for a category, if you are calculating category averages using total points. Categories are configured to use total points rather than weighted averages when Calculate Average using total points is checked on the Categories tab of the Gradebook Setup page. Average overriding is also disabled when All Categories is selected in the Categories and Marks filter

Override a student's average

  1. From Gradebook, click Entry to display the Gradebook Entry page.

  2. If you are in SBGB Summary Mode or SBGB Detail Mode, click

     to change to GB Entry mode on the mode selector

  3. If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.

  4. If the desired category or mark is not displayed, select the appropriate category or mark type in the Categories and Marks filter.

  5. Click on the student's average that you want to change.

  6. Enter the adjusted average.

  7. When finished:

    • If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. 

    • Otherwise, click Save.

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