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Display Student Performance Trends in Gradebook

Use this procedure to display sparkline charts that show student performance trends on the Gradebook Entry page. Sparkline charts are a quick indicator of a student's upward or downward assignment scores trend. Because they display trends and not absolute score values, sparkline charts do not reflect students' scores relative to each other.

Display sparkline charts of student assignment performance trends

  1. From Gradebook, click Entry to display the Gradebook Entry page.

  2. If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click

     for GB Entry mode or
     for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector

  3. If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.

  4. Right-click on the scores grid header, and then select Show/Hide Columns to launch the Show/Hide Columns dialog box.
    If your system does not support right-click, click 

     and select Show/Hide Columns.

  5. Add Performance to the Displayed columns list. Refer to Displaying and Hiding Student Information Columns for details on adding columns to the Displayed Columns list.

  6. Click OK. A column is added to the Gradebook that displays sparkline trend charts for each student.

  7. Click any sparkline chart to display an expanded pop-up graph of the student's percentage scores for each graded assignment.

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