Display and Hide Student Information Columns in Gradebook
Use these procedures to manage what and how student information is displayed in the Gradebook Entry page. The Student Information columns can display student names and student-specific information. The leftmost column on the Gradebook page is the scores grid row number which always displays, but you can choose to display or hide any of the other student information columns. The columns available are: Name, Alerts, Notes, Grade, Student Average, Student ID, Course (course and section number), and Performance (this displays a "sparkline" chart to show each student's scoring trend for the displayed assignment grades).
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
Click on the Gradebook Toolbar, and then select Show/Hide columns to display Show/Hide Columns. If your system supports right mouse clicks, you can also right-click on the scores grid header, and then select Show/Hide Columns to display the Show/Hide Columns dialog box.
All columns currently displayed on the Gradebook page are listed in the Displayed Columns list, and columns available for display (but not currently displayed on the Gradebook page) are in the Hidden Columns list. The top-to-bottom order of the Displayed Columns list matches the left-to-right order of the columns displayed in the Gradebook.
You can change which columns are displayed on the Gradebook page: Hide all columns (except for row number): Click Hide All. Display all available columns: Click Display All. Hide a currently-displayed column: Click the minus ( - ) sign to the right of displayed column name, or drag and drop the displayed column to Hidden Columns list. Display a hidden column: Click the plus ( + ) sign to the right of the hidden column name, or drag and drop the hidden column to the Displayed Columns list. You can drag the column to the desired location in the Displayed Columns list.
Click OK to activate your selections, or click Cancel.
Change the left-to-right order that student information columns appear in the gradebook
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
Click on the Gradebook Toolbar and select Show/Hide columns to display the Show/Hide Columns dialog box. If your system supports right mouse clicks, you can also right-click on the scores grid header, and then select Show/Hide Columns to display the Show/Hide Columns dialog box.
All columns currently displayed on the Gradebook page are listed in the Displayed Columns list, and columns available for display (but not currently displayed on the Gradebook page) are in the Hidden Columns list. The top-to-bottom order of the Displayed Columns list matches the left-to-right order of the columns displayed in the Gradebook.
In the Displayed Columns list, you can drag and drop an individual column's header name up or down to change the left-to right sequence in which the columns will display.
Click OK to activate your selections, or click Cancel.
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