Add and Delete Links or Attachments to a Course for Home Access Center
On this page:
Use these procedures to add or delete links or attachments to courses. They display as links or as files that guardians or students can download from Home Access Center. If the Classwork tab displays in Home Access Center, they can click on the link for the course name to display general course information. The links or attachments you add display at the bottom of the course information pop-up window. Guardians or students can then access the links or click the link for an attachment and download and print the file. We recommend that you use file types that will be supported on most home computers.
Additionally, you can add attachments for individual assignments. Refer to Adding Attachments to Gradebook Assignments for more information on attaching files for an assignment.
Depending on how your district has set up Home Access Center, attachments may not be displayed. Contact your building administrator if you do not know whether attachments are displayed.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
Click the Attachments tab to display the fields to upload a file for this course.
To upload a file, select File in the Type column.
Click ChooseFile in the Attachment Name column to view the browser's file selection pop-up.
Click the file that you want to attach, and click Open.
Type the details for the file that you added in the same row of Description column.
Check Include in all MPs if you want the file to be attached to the course for all marking periods. If not checked, the attachment will only be available in the marking period currently-displayed in the toolbar.
Click in the Actions column to upload the file from your computer to the server. The attachment displays in a new row.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
Click the Attachments tab to display the fields to add a link for this course.
To add a link, select Link in the Type column.
Type the link address in the Attachment Name column and its description in the next column.
Check Include in all MPs if you want the link to be available in the course for all marking periods. If not checked, the link will only be available in the marking period currently-displayed in the toolbar.
Click (Save) in the Actions column to save the link. The link is displayed in a new row.
To add more links, repeat steps 4-7.
Delete an attachment or a link
Follow steps 1-3 above to open the Gradebook Setup page Attachments tab.
Click on the row you want to delete.
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