This section covers what you need to know to help your staff make the most out of the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Summary of eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile App Screens
This topic provides a summary of the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app screens for the Dashboard, Student, Notifications, and Discipline options. The following describes all the screens that display for an option. The user's eSchoolPLUS security determines the options that are available. When a user initially opens the app, the building is set to the default building in the user's eSchoolPLUS security profile.
Dashboard Screens
At the top of the Dashboard screens, calendar information displays for the current day. The app uses the default calendar for the building. To navigate to a screen, swipe up on the icon.
Bell Schedule
Displays the bell schedules for your building.
Displays the Daily Attendance Count and a list of students with an attendance code. The total reflects the count of students with any attendance code entered for the day. The student list displays the unique attendance codes entered for the student for the day. This screen does not reflect the number of periods for which the student has been marked absent. For example, a student's attendance displays as U, T if a student has been recorded as U - Unexcused Absent for first through third period and T - Tardy for fourth period. To see the attendance periods for which a student has attendance entered, tap the student and display the student's Attendance screen.
Displays a list of students who have birthdays today. Tap a student to open the Student screen.
Student Screens
When the Student option is selected, a Search screen displays. From this screen, search for and select the student to display. To open a student's information, tap the student in the image gallery at the bottom of the search. When a student is selected, the initial screen displays today's schedule. The top of all student screens includes the student's photo, name, gender, age, grade, and current status.
To navigate to another screen, swipe up on the appropriate icon.
To return to the Search screen to select another student, swipe down on the student screen displayed.
Allows searching for students by name, ID, grade, gender, status, and house/team. The search default is to find students with an Active status. The image gallery at the bottom of the screen allows the user to see student photos to help select the appropriate student. A status bar displays below the image gallery to indicate the progress of loading student photos. The first time the user accesses a building, the student photos for the building are loaded. The app also checks for updated photos or photos for new students every time it is opened.
Student (Today's Schedule)
Displays today's schedule.
Contact Information
Displays the student's language and address and phone information for the student and the student's contacts.
Displays student's full schedule. A building icon displays next to the building name if the course is not in the student's home building.
Displays the student's attendance for the year. Note that attendance is listed by course, not attendance period.
Displays the student's grades for this year. Supports the ability to choose to display report card or progress marks. Once per year marks are displayed at the top of the list of marking periods.
Displays the student's incidents for the current and prior school year. This screen displays incidents entered for buildings the user can access in eSchoolPLUS behavior incident options. A referral can also be added for the student if the user has an eSchoolPLUS Staff record and the appropriate security.
Displays the student notes. In online mode, notes can be added.
Displays general demographic information for the student, such as primary homeroom and locker number.
Medical Info
Displays the medical emergency information for the student.
Notification Screen
The Notifications screen enables management of notifications while away from the desk. This option is available for sites using eSchoolPLUS version 2.5 Service Pack 2 or higher.Discipline ScreenThis screen is used to add a discipline referral. For more information on adding a referral, refer to "How do I add discipline?" This option is only available if the user has an eSchoolPLUS Staff record, as well as the appropriate security. Additionally, you must be in online mode.
What students will a user be able to access?
The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app includes a student search so the user can find a student who was enrolled in or taking classes at the building. The search will return:
active students currently enrolled in the selected building,
any active or inactive students scheduled in a class in the selected building this year,
any inactive students who withdrew from the building in this school year, but did not transfer to another building. For example, if a student dropped out of school earlier this year, the user will still be able to access the student's information.
To see students who are scheduled for a class, but not enrolled, in the building, you must have security to scheduling information for the building.
Can users access data from prior years for students?
The app supports access to prior year data for Discipline. The student's Discipline screen lists incidents that were reported in the current school year and the prior school year. The student's current year information is available for schedules, attendance, report card grades, and progress grades.
What grade information is displayed?
The Grades screen displays the grade information shown on the eSchoolPLUS Report Card Summary page for the report card or the Progress Summary page for the progress report. For the student's report card grades, the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app is displaying grades based on the Report Card View Setup records for the Summary view type. This screen is displaying student mark records; it is not displaying data from the mark reporting data warehouse. For the student's progress report grades, the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app is displaying grades based on the Progress View Setup records for the Card view type. This screen is displaying student mark records; it is not displaying data from the progress data warehouse.
How do users add student notes?
Users can record student notes while they are away from their desk. This feature is not available in offline mode.
Select the Student option.
Use the search and gallery to find the student.
Tap or swipe up on the student.
Tap the Notes tab.
Tap Add icon.
Select the Note Type and enter your note.
Use the Camera icon to quickly take a photo using the device's camera. Photos are not uploaded to the eSchoolPLUS system.
Tap Submit.
Tap OK on the verification message.
How do users add discipline?
Users can record discipline issues while they are away from their desk. When discipline is added from the app, a conduct referral will be created. Then, in eSchoolPLUS, the conduct referral can be reviewed by a Disciplinarian and escalated to create an incident. To use this option, the user needs to have security for DISC INCIDENT MAINT if working in current year or DISC INCIDENT MAINTSS if working in summer school. Additionally, the user must have a staff record that includes the user's login ID. This feature is not available in offline mode.
Select the Discipline option.
In the Discipline Entry section, enter general information for the discipline issue.
Use the Camera icon to quickly take a photo using the device's camera. Photos are not uploaded to the eSchoolPLUS system.
Tap the Add icon on the Add New Student to Referral row.
Swipe through list of students and tap a student's row to select the student.
On the Student Role pop-up, tap the appropriate button.
To add another student, repeat Steps 4 - 6.
To submit the referral to eSchoolPLUS, tap Submit.
To clear all the information you have entered for the referral, click Clear.
The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app is designed to allow users to enter the referral type and student role even if your building's Teacher Access Center Configuration indicates that teachers cannot enter referral type and/or roles. The app is intended for administrators and, therefore, it does not limit access to these fields.
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