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Troubleshoot Security Issues

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This topic provides information to help you troubleshoot issues that your users may encounter.

Miscellaneous Pages

Search Results panel displays, "You are not authorized to execute this search. The criteria above has blank rows for the tables or fields you cannot access."

The user's security has likely changed since they last ran the search. The last search included criteria, list columns, or sort columns to a table that the user does not have security to access. Note that the criteria will not show the area and column that the user cannot access. The user will not be able to tell which column they had included previously, so the user may report that they have security access to all fields in their search.

The user can enter search criteria and click Load to return search results.

No Security page displays with the message, "You are not authorized to view this page or data it contains."

Because the menu option displays, you know the user must have security access to the page. Check the following:

    • Does the user have security to the building associated with the record that is selected? If not, should they? If they should, then assign them security for this building.
    • Has the user's security recently changed? If so, it is possible that the user previously ran the program with a search or sort area that they no longer have access to. To fix this issue, you must clear the user's SPI_USER_OPTION records for this program.
    • Is the security resource for the option a district-level resource? If so, check to see if the user's security was granted at the package or subpackage-level for a limited number of buildings. If it is, then add the resource for the option to the user. For more information, refer to District Level Resources.

Home page

An error occurs every time the Home page displays.

It is likely that the user's security was changed since the last time they saved their Home page layout. The user may not have access to a widget that is saved in their layout. Ask the user to reset to the default layout on the Home page. For more information, refer to Return to Original Home Page Setup in Setting Up Your Home Page.

Student Search page

The user's search returns only inactive students for a building.

Check the user's access for REG MAINT DEMOGRAPH. It is likely that the user does not have access to the building.

In the prior year environment, multiple rows are showing for students. Only one row displayed before we ran rollover and changed the district's school year.

The default columns in the search results include Building and Grade. When you search in the current year, the student's Registration record is used to display the student's current value. Thus, only one row displays for students.

In prior years, the values are displayed from entry/withdrawal as that is where grade and building are stored for the school year. Multiple rows are returned if the student has multiple entry/withdrawal records for that year.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.