Use this page to review course equivalency information for a student after the course equivalency records are built. The student's equivalent state courses are listed in groups by school year and building. For each state course, the course description, marks, and credit information are displayed. For more information on course equivalencies, refer to Overview of State Course Equivalencies.
The marks and credit information reflect the local course information that was posted to the state records based on the course equivalency setup for the building.
View student state course equivalencies
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > State Course Equivalencies.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
To display information for the local courses associated with the state course, click the State Course link. The State Local Course Equivalency window opens.
When you are done reviewing the course equivalency details, click OK to close the window.
Run Course Equivalency Calculation for student
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > State Course Equivalencies.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click (Additional options), then select Rebuild State Courses. The task begins immediately.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
School Year Panel
Panels display for each year that the student has course equivalency records. Within each panel, courses are grouped by building.
State Course
State code for the course. To display the Student Local Course Equivalency window to view detailed local course information for the state course, click the link for the state course. For more information, refer to State Local Course Equivalency Window.
Section number assigned when the state course record was created. The section number is set to 1 for state courses created by the Course Equivalency Calculation option. If the state course record was created when transfer courses were entered for a student, a unique section number was assigned to the transfer section of the state course.
Description for the state course. Typically, this value displays the Abbreviated Description value for the state course. If no abbreviated description was entered for the course, the full description displays.
Mark Columns
Marks that are to be reported for the state course. Columns display for the marks that may be issued for any state course within the school year. State course records store the marks that were posted from the local course equivalent or calculated by the Mark Averages Calculation.
The Course Equivalency Setup for the course building determines how marks are posted from local courses to the state course.
Att (Attempted) Credit
Sum of attempted credit for all local courses that were combined for this state course equivalency.
Earned Credit
Sum of earned credit for all local courses that were combined for this state course equivalency.
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