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State Local Course Equivalency Window

Use this window to review information for the local course equivalents used to create a state course record. The Course Equivalency Calculation option created state records based on the information stored for the local courses listed on this page.

View student state course equivalencies


Courses Panel

Two sections display within the grid. The State section displays the state course information and the Local section displays information for the local course equivalencies.

State Section



School Year

Year the course was taken.

Course Building

Building where the course was taken.


This column is blank in this section as sequences apply to the local courses, not state courses.


State code for the course.

Course Section

Section number assigned when the state course record was created. The section number is set to 1 for state courses created by the Course Equivalency Calculation option. If the state course record was created when transfer courses were entered for a student, a unique section number was assigned to the transfer section of the state course.




Description for the state course. Typically, this value displays the Abbreviated Description value for the course. If no abbreviated description was entered for the state course, the full description displays.

Mark Columns

Marks that are to be reported for the state course. Columns display for the marks that may be issued for any state course within the school year. State course records store the marks that were posted from the local course equivalent or calculated by the Mark Average Calculation.

The Course Equivalency Setup for the course building determines how marks are posted from local courses to the state course.

Att (Attempted) Credit

Sum of attempted credit for all local courses that were combined for this state course equivalency.

Earned Credit

Sum of earned credit for all local courses that were combined for this state course equivalency.

Local Section



School Year

School year when the student took the local course.

Course Building

Building where the student took the local course.


Sequence code that identifies the part of the state course that the local course fulfilled. For example, if the student took two local courses to fulfill a state course, one course would have a sequence of 1 and the other would have a sequence of 2.

Sequence information is based on the course equivalency definitions for the state course.


Course code for the local course.

Course Section

Section code for the local course.




Description for the local course.

Mark Columns

Columns display for the marks that were posted to the state course.

Att (Attempted) Credit

Attempted credit value for the local course. If a course displays multiple lines of mark information, the full attempted credit is shown on each line. The credit for the course is only added one time to the sum of attempted credit for the state course.

Earned Credit

Earned credit value for the local course. If a course displays multiple lines of mark information, the full earned credit is shown on each line. The credit for the course is only added one time to the sum of earned credit for the state course.

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