PLUS 360 Notifications Initial Setup
The initial setup of Notifications is usually performed by your system administrator and includes the following steps.
- Set up security resources for your administrative-level users in the Security Profile page (Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile).
- DISTMSG grants Administrative-level security to access the District Notifications page.
- BLDGMSG grants Administrative-level security to access the Building Notifications page.
- Use the District Notifications option (Administration > General Setup > PLUS 360 Notifications > District Notifications) to set up the PLUS 360 Notifications for your district and to specify Building Default Values. Refer to District Notifications Page.
- Use the Building Notifications option (Administration > General Setup > PLUS 360 Notifications > Building Notifications) to set up the PLUS 360 Notifications for your buildings and to specify default user subscription values. Refer to Building Notifications Page.
- Set up security resources for end users in the Security Profile page (Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile). Grant end users any additional security resources required for them to be able to subscribe to and receive specific notifications.
- Refer to the Notifications District or Building Setup page for the security resources required for certain notifications.
- Only users with the appropriate security resources can subscribe to and receive PLUS 360 Notifications.
- If a user does not have the required security resource for a notification, the notification does not display on the Notification Subscription page for that user.
Additional Notes
- Anyone with security resource SYSTEM-All-All has access to all PLUS 360 Notifications features.
- The PLUS 360 Notifications Viewer and Notification Subscription pages do not have any security resource requirements.