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Office Visits Page

On this page:

Use this page to add or view office visits for a student. The most current record displays at the top of the page.

To view visit information, such as reason, treatment, comments, and vitals, click

 (Expand) for the visit.
To display the Office Visit Details page for the visit, click Edit.

You may not be able to edit information for prior days. The Medical Configuration's Allow Update on Prior Days field specifies the number of prior days you can update. You can always add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals. You may be able to edit existing notes, comments, and referral comments if the configuration is defined to allow editing of notes for locked office visits.

View student's office visits

  1. Select Medical > All > Student > Office Visits.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. To view more information for a visit, click 

Add office visits

  1. Select Medical > All > Student > Office Visits.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Click Add.
  4. On the Office Visit Details page, complete fields as needed.
  5. To add or edit a student's note, click 
     (Add Comment) or 
     (View/Edit Comments). On the Notes dialog, enter the note text. If a note was entered for a previous visit, add your text below that note. Then click Save.
  6. Click Save.
  7. To return to the Office Visits page, click Back.

Change office visit information

You may not be able to edit information for prior days. The Medical Configuration's Allow Update on Prior Days field specifies the number of prior days you can update. You can always add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals. You may be able to edit existing notes, comments, and referral comments if the configuration is defined to allow editing of notes for locked office visits.

  1. Select Medical > All > Student > Office Visits.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Click Edit for the visit.
  4. Change values as needed.
  5. To add or edit a student's note, click 
     (Add Comment) or 
     (View/Edit Comments). On the Notes dialog, enter the note text. If a note was entered for a previous visit, add your text below that note. Then click Save.
  6. Click Save.

Delete office visit information

  1. Select Medical > All > Student > Office Visits.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. click 
     (Delete) on the visit's row.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To return to the Office Visits page, click Back.

Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Office Visit Dates Panel

Use this panel to change the date range to display. Only visits that occurred within the range will be shown. After you change the date range, click Load.

Office Visits Panel

This panel displays sections for the student's office visits.

    • To view visit information, click 
    • To edit visit information, click Edit.
    • To delete a visit, click 
       (Delete) on the visit's row. Then, click Save.

For information on using the Daily Log to record office visits for multiple students, refer to Office Visits Daily Log Procedures.


One note record is stored per date for office visits, but multiple visits may be recorded per day for a student. For students who have multiple visits in day, include the time in the note text. If multiple staff are involved, you may want to record staff initials as well.

When you add a subsequent office visit, the Note window shows the text that was entered for the previous visits.

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