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Office Visit Details Page

Use this page to add or view additional office visit information for a student.

You may not be able to edit information for prior days. The Medical Configuration's Allow Update on Prior Days field specifies the number of prior days you can update. You can always add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals. You may be able to edit existing notes, comments, and referral comments if the configuration is defined to allow editing of notes for locked office visits.

Using the Daily Log

View office visit daily log

Add office visits using the Daily Log

Change office visits using the Daily Log

Delete an office visit using the Daily Log


The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

This information displays only if medical alerts or disabilities have been entered on the student's Emergency page.



Medical Alerts

The Medical Alert Code, Description, and Comments, if any, entered on the Medical Alerts panel of the student's Emergency page.


The Disability Code and Description, if any, entered on the Disabilities panel of the Emergency page.



Date In

Date of the office visit.

This field displays when you are adding an office visit. Otherwise, the visit date is indicated in the page title.

Time In

The time the student arrived at the nurse's office. Enter the time in the format HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.

This field displays when you are adding an office visit. Otherwise, the time in is indicated in the page title.

Time Out

The time the student left the nurse's office. Enter the time in the format HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.


The classroom that the student was in before coming to the nurse's office. The Medical Configuration can be defined to use the student's homeroom as a default for this field.


The initials of the person making the entry. Character/20

Record the student's results for the vitals taken during the visit.


The time that vitals were taken.

Blood Pressure (SYS/DIA)

The student’s blood pressure at the time of the office visit. Systolic pressure is entered in the first field and Diastolic pressure in the second. Integer/3


The student's pulse at the time of the office visit. Small Integer/3


The student’s temperature at the time of the office visit, for example 101.2. Decimal/4,1


The student’s respiratory rate at the time of the office visit. Small Integer

Temperature Method

Select the method used to take the student's temperature.




Any additional text to describe the office visit. Character/Unlimited

The Daily Log page displays the values in the first row shown in this panel.


The reasons why the student came to the nurse's office.


The treatments given to the student, if any.


The outcomes of the office visit. The Medical Configuration determines whether this field displays.


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.




The medicine or treatment to be given to the student.


Indicates the dose number.


Text about the medicine given or the dosage. This information was entered on the Rx/Tx Requirements page (Medical > All > Student > Medication Requirements ).



Referral Code

The code describing the type of referral.

Referral Date

The date on which the referral was made.

Followup Code

The code indicating what kind of follow-up was made.

Followup Date

The date on which the follow-up information was received. For example, a student was referred to the ophthalmologist on 12/1/2010. The ophthalmologist examines the student on 12/15/2015 and sends a note indicating that the student needs glasses. Because the note was received by the nurse's office on 12/20/2015, you would enter 12/20/2015.

Doctor's Name

The name of the doctor who provided care. Character/255

Referral Comments

Comments about the referral. Character/255


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.

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