Use this page to add or view office visits by day. You can enter treatments, medicines given, and access a detail page to enter information such as additional treatments, temperature, or pulse.
You may not be able to edit information for prior days. The Medical Configuration's Allow Update on Prior Days field specifies the number of prior days you can update. You can always add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals. You may be able to edit existing notes, comments, and referral comments if the configuration is defined to allow editing of notes for locked office visits.
Daily Log information may be entered after the date of the office visit. To allow you to enter all office visit details, the Daily Log uses the entry date, not the visit date, to determine if you can edit an entry. Other Medical pages use the exam date to determine whether you can edit the results.
View office visit daily log
Select Medical > All > Office > Daily Log.
To view the log for another building or a prior date, enter the values you want to view. Then click Load.
Add office visits using the Daily Log
Select Medical > All > Office > Daily Log.
To record visits for another building or a prior date, enter the values you want to add in the Selections panel. Then click Load.
To default your initials for the office visits as blank rows are added, enter the initials in the Selection panel.
In the blank row at the top of the Daily Log panel, enter student's arrival and departure times in the Time In and Time Out fields using the format HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.
In the Student Name, enter all or part of the student name. Then click Search to display the Student Search window. Click the student's row, and click OK.
Enter office visit information as needed.
If needed, record more information for the visit:
To enter additional details, such as more reasons and treatments, vital signs, comments, and referrals, click (View detail). On the Office Visit Details page, enter information as needed and click Save. To return to the Daily Log page, click Back.
To enter notes for the office visit, click (Notes). On the Notes dialog, enter the note text. If a note was entered for a previous visit, add your text below that note. Then click Save.
Change office visits using the Daily Log
Select Medical > All > Office > Daily Log.
To view visits for another building or a prior date, enter the appropriate values on the Selections panel. Then click Load.
Enter office visit information as needed.
If needed, record more information for the visit:
To enter additional details, such as more reasons and treatments, vital signs, comments, and referrals, click (View detail). On the Office Visit Details page, enter information as needed, and click Save. To return to the Daily Log page, click Back.
To enter notes for the office visit, click (Add Comment) or (View/Edit Comments). On the Notes dialog, enter the note text. If a note was entered for a previous visit, add your text below that note. Then click Save.
Delete an office visit using the Daily Log
Select Medical > All > Office > Daily Log.
To view visits for another building or a prior date, enter the values you want to add in the Selections panel. Then click Load.
To delete an office visit, click (Delete).
Click Yes.
Selections Panel
Use the Building and Log Date fields to select the records to display and to specify the building and date for which you are recording office visits.
After you select the building and date, click Load.
The name of the building in which the nurse's office is located.
The date of the office visits you are recording or updating. When you first enter the exam page, the current date displays.
Enter the initials to default when adding records.
Daily Log Panel
The panel's title shows the date for the visits you are adding. When you add the time in, time out, and student information on a row, a blank row displays at the top of the grid.
This page dynamically displays fields based on the screen size. To view all fields listed below, you must be viewing the page on an extra large display.
Time In
The time the student came to the nurse's office. Enter the time in the format HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.
Time Out
The time the student left the nurse's office. Enter the time in the format HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.
Student Name
The student's full name.
You can use this field to search for a student. Enter the last name, followed by a comma and the first few characters of the first name, and then click Search to display the Student Search window.
If medical alerts have been entered on the Medical Alerts panel on the Emergency page for the student, you can click to view the alert information.
The classroom that the student was in before coming to the nurse's office. The Medical Building Setup can be defined to use the student's homeroom as a default for this field.
The reason why the student came to the nurse's office. Additional reasons can be added on the Office Visit Detail page.
The treatment given to the student, if any. Additional intervention codes can be added on the Office Visit Detail page.
The outcome of the office visit. For example, indicates if the student's parent was contacted; the student was sent home; or the student was taken to a hospital. Additional outcome codes can be added on the Office Visit Detail page. Your building's Medical Configuration determines whether this field displays.
Any medicine given to the student. You can only enter medicines that have been entered in the Medications Required for the student. Medications must be either within the start and end dates given on the Required page or marked PRN (to be given as needed).
To view a student's medications, click Search. The Medication Search window displays the medications and their doses and comments for the medications that can be issued.
If you issue a medication for which the student has already received all doses for the day, it will be recorded as an additional dose.
The initials of the person making the entry.
(View detail)
Click to enter or view office visit detail information, including vitals and referrals. For more information about entering office visit information, refer to Office Visit Detail.
Click to enter or view notes for the student for the visit. For more information about entering notes, refer to Notes.
For existing office visits, click (Add Comment) or (View/Edit Comments).
One note record is stored per date for office visits, but multiple visits may be recorded per day for a student. For students who have multiple visits in day, include the time in the note text. If multiple staff are involved, you may want to record staff initials as well.
When you add a subsequent office visit, the Note window shows the text that was entered for the previous visits.
Changes made on the Daily Log page are saved automatically. A green indicator displays on each row after it has been saved so you can verify that the data has been saved.
One note record is stored per date for office visits, but multiple visits may be recorded per day for a student. For students who have multiple visits in day, include the time in the note text. If multiple staff are involved, you may want to record staff initials as well.
When you add a subsequent office visit, the Note window shows the text that was entered for the previous visits.
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