Offender Action Assignment Tracking
The Actions panel on the Offender Detail Page allows you to enter detailed information for any actions assigned to the offenders involved in behavior incidents. The way your district tracks actions determines the fields that display in the Actions panel's Dates section on the Offender Detail Page.
In eSchoolPlus, there are two ways of tracking actions, by duration or occurrence dates, as determined by the Track Occurrences option your district selects in the Behavior District Configuration Page (Administration > Interventions Setup > Behavior > Behavior District Configuration).
- If your district tracks actions by duration, you enter a range of dates for the action in the Scheduled Start Date and End Date fields. Refer to Dates Section (If your district tracks actions by duration) on the Offender Detail Page.
- If your district tracks actions by occurrences (dates), you enter the individual Scheduled Date, Actual Date, Scheduled Start and End Times, and Actual Start and End Times of each action. Refer to Dates Section (If your district tracks actions by occurrences) on the Offender Detail Page.