Use this option to select Career Plan (supplemental) and Graduation Requirement groups so you can view how a student's requested, scheduled, and transcript courses apply to each group's subject area credit requirements.
You only can model a requirement group if it has a Graduation Requirement setup defined for the appropriate graduation year.
Based on the modeled information, you can make decisions about how to update the student's Academic page by including new Career Plans or a different Graduation Requirement group.
Before generating a model, make sure you have completed requests for the student's future year requirement groups. For more information, refer to Career Plan for Student and Career Plan Requests Page.
Model a Career Plan
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan.
To display the student's Career Plan page, click a Student Name link. If needed, run a search on the Career Plan Search page, and then select a student.
Click (Additional options), and then select Model Career Plan.
In the Model Student Career Plan dialog, select the radio button for the Graduation Requirements Group you want to model.
Select the checkboxes for the Supplemental Requirement Groups (Career Plans) to include in the modeling.
Click Model. The Running Student Graduation Requirement Calculation window displays, showing the progress in calculating each requirement group. When the process ends, the window closes and two options display on the Career Plan page: Keep and Discard.
To keep the modeled plans, click Keep. or To restore the original plans, click Discard.
If you exit the page without keeping or discarding the modeled plan, the model continues to display for the student the next time you visit the Career Plan page.
Graduation Requirements Group
Select the Graduation Requirements Group to model. The student's requirements for graduation are based on values defined for the selected requirement group for the year of graduation.
Supplemental Requirements Groups
Checked if the supplemental group should be modeled along with the Graduation Requirements Group. You may select as many groups as needed.
Supplemental groups include additional requirements a student must meet to earn a certification or fulfill a career-oriented curriculum.
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