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Load Recommended to Requests Page

Use this page to create course requests from recommendations teachers have made for their students. The load option enables you to create requests for multiple students. To create requests for individual students, you can use the Requests page's Course Recommendations panel.

  • Course recommendations can be created in the Requests page (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Requests) or in Teacher Access Center's Recommendations page. For more information, refer to Requests Page.
  • To review course recommendations before running the load, run the Course Recommendations report (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Pre-Scheduler Reports > Course Recommendations). For more information, refer to Course Recommendations Page.

When a teacher recommends a course in TAC, the system saves it to the next school year. If a course recommendation is added in eSchoolPlus, it should be entered for the next school year. In this case, you should set your environment to the next school year before loading the recommendations.

Load recommendations as course requests

  1. Set your environment to the Next School Year, so you can access the appropriate course recommendations.
  2. Run the Course Recommendations Report (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Pre-Scheduler Reports > Course Recommendations), then review the recommendations listed.
  3. Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Load Recommended to Requests.
  4. Specify the processing options.
  5. In the Filter section, enter criteria identifying the students whose recommendations you want to load as requests, then click Load.
  6. In the Course Recommendations panel, select the Select (unlabeled) box on the right for each recommendation you want to load as a course request.
    To select all boxes, select the box at the top of the Select column.
  7. Click Run.
  8. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Prompts Panel




The building of the students for whom you are creating requests based on course recommendations.


The scheduling interval for which the courses are being scheduled, such as full year or semester.

Teacher Overload

Checked if students can be enrolled in courses, even when doing so exceeds the value in the Staff District Information page's Maximum Teacher Load field. If you are not using Teacher Loads (the Maximum Teacher Load field on the Staff Catalog has a value of 0) or do not want to override the Teacher Load, leave the box unchecked.

You must have the appropriate security resource to override the Teacher Load.

Mass Load Request Type

Indicates the type of request.


R - Regular - to indicate this is a regular request. The scheduler (Schedule Students option) attempts to schedule all regular requests before scheduling an alternate request.
S - Student Alternate - to indicate the request is an alternate that can be used when any other regular request cannot be scheduled.

Prerequisite Checking

Determines whether an error should be logged when a recommended course's prerequisite has not been met and if so, whether the course should be added. You cannot access this field if your building's Scheduling Configuration is not set for prerequisite checking.


Log Errors - Add Requests - to log an error when a prerequisite for the recommended course has not been met, but add the request anyway.
Log Errors - Do Not Add Requests - to log an error when a prerequisite for the recommended course has not been met and prevent the request from being added.
None - to not check prerequisites when creating requests from recommendations. This option is only available if your building's Scheduling Building Configuration is set to issue a warning, as opposed to an error, in prerequisite checking.\

Course Recommendations Panel

After you search, the list of students with matching recommendations displays. If a student has a recommendation that is not for the student's next building, the course and description display in red and you cannot enter a check in the Select box.



Student ID

Student's identification number.


Student's full name (Last Name, First Name Middle Name).


Course that is recommended for the student. Loading the recommendation to requests creates a request for this course.


Description of the course that is recommended.


Number indicating the priority order in which recommendations should be considered. The same priority may be assigned to multiple course recommendations. For example, if the teacher recommends more than one course be requested for the next year, the teacher may enter a priority of 1 for all of the courses recommended.


Name of the teacher who entered the recommendation. If the recommendation was not entered in TAC, this field is blank.

Enrolled Course

Course that the student is taking in the current year for which the recommendation was entered. If the recommendation was not entered in TAC, this field is blank.

Select (unlabeled checkbox)

Checked if you want to load a request for the recommendation. Click Run to create the request.

This checkbox is only accessible if the recommendation was entered for the student's next building.

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