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Import User Account Information

As part of implementing single sign on access for eSchoolPlus, you will need to associate the external identity provider's unique identification code with the appropriate user account. This tool allows you to import a spreadsheet of eSchoolPlus account information so you can load the unique identification code into the Global ID field for the user in eSchoolPlus.

To create the spreadsheet with user account information, you must first run Export User Account Information. Then, update the spreadsheet to enter the unique identifier from the external identity provider in the GlobalID column.

Transfer the account information file to your report directory

  1. Select Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Upload File.
  2. In the File field, click the button to search for and select the file you want to upload.
  3. Click
    (Upload Records).
  4. Click Tasks/Reports to verify that the file was uploaded to your report directory. 

Import Global IDs

  1. Select Administration > Security > Utilities > Import User Account Information.
  2. In the Uploaded File Name field, enter the file name including the extension for the file type.
  3. To set the Global ID field to a blank value if the spreadsheet has a blank value for the user, select the Overwrite Existing Global IDs with Blank Values from File checkbox.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and review the log file for errors.
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